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Sunday's, they're my faviorit day of the week. The reason being that I don't have to go to the hell whole I have to call my job.

I also liked them because it was the one day my whole family was together when I was little. The one day my mom wasn't in New York City "Working", the one day my brother got to come home from rehab. (I know they dont get to come home on sundays but this is my story so deal with it.)

It was also the day I got to see my best friend Olivia. Olivia was my best friend, but since I was home schooled by my dad I never got to see her, only when I went to church witch I always went to with my dad.

This all stoped when my dad found out my mom was cheating on him and left. I went with him, that is untill he was diagnosed with Lung Cancer and he died. I had to move back in with my mom and by that time she was married to my curent step father- Mark Tyler.

I hate him with a burning passion. He's the reason I have to work at this shitty place. Why don't I just quit, you may ask. Well the thing is I can't, if I were to I wouldn't be able to get a job because after my dad died I wasn't able to go to cage early like I wanted too. Since I was only 15 and very smart I got accepted to Stanford, I was going to go but when my dad got sick I turned down the offer to stay with him, so I could never get hired for a real job since I've only had up to high school education.

I would then have to move back in with my mom amd she would make me go back to this stupid job. It would be worse that way since I would have to live with them too.

I could live with my brother Nate and his husband Brian as well as their three year old Marley, but they barely have enough money for the three of them let alone another person.

Olivia hasn't talled to me since I was 16. She found out were I was working and told me to never talk to her again, I had tried to talk to her but she would not listen. I've never had a friend since her, just me sitting in my apartment all alone, working, and sometimes going to see my brother and his kid.

I'm always wondering what life would be like if my dad never died, or if my step dad never came into the picture. I probably would have gone to collage and law school. It's kinnda ironic that I want to be a lawyer when my job is technically against the law.

Back to the point, sinc it was Sunday I threw on some jeans and a shirt so I could go to the grocrey store. I was starting to run out of food so I needed to get some.


Once at thw store I got a cart to start looking around. I picked up tthe stuf I normaly eat, frozen meals, as well as a chicken for when my brother's family comes over next weekend.

It was wjen I went over to the book sectoon that a saw the swarm of people. They wete standing around a person so I went over to take a peek. The man looked like he was getting closterpohbic, so I decided to help him.

"Hey, back off leave the man alone," I yelled at the crowd of fifty or so people. They listened right away and went back to their own shopping.

"Thanks," the man said looking up. His British accent oh so formiliar.

"No problem," I said with a smile.

"Shit," he wispered inder his breath but not quiet enough for me not to hear him.

"What's wrong?" I asked woridly. It was in that momment that I relizedd it was the same man from last week, or should I say Theo James.

"Your that girl," he says, a small smile forms on his face.

"Yup that's me," I say nervously.

"You never called me," he said frowning slightly.

"What do you mean?" I asked courisly.

"I gave you my number, on that paper," he says.

"Oh, that...," I say trailing off.

"Yeah, well how about as a thank you I take you out to lunch?" He asks me.

"Oh, you don't have to," I say.

"But I want to," with that I agree. I check put and drop my stuf off in my appartment before we head out.


She will find out she is pregnet in a few parts. I wamt to take it slow so yeah. What do you think is going to happen next?

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