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That day at work went by realy slowly, all I ddi was serve drinks to strangers and have someone try to have sex with me. I obviously declined this.

At that point I was still busy trying to figure out who the father of my baby was. I mean I hadn't had a boyfriend since I was 14 and we never had sex so it couldn't be him.

It was hard to find out who the father of my baby was since I had sex at least once a night with a different guy almost every time. It sucked not knowing who I would be sharing this baby with but I knew deep down that the only posible option was Theo, I still did not think of him as an option.

I just figured I would fund out eventually so I left work early so I could get a good night's sleep for once in my life.


When I woke up the next day I had about five texts, I looked and saw al of them were from Theo.

From Theo:

Hi! I was wondering if u wanted 2 go on another date on Sunday?

The first of many texts read.

From Theo:

I get if u don't want 2 go but plz answer me!

The next one read with a similar variation of it ffor the thrid and forrth text.

From Theo:

I guess u don't want 2 go, it's fine I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up :(

This one made me sad, I realy did want to go with him. On the other hand I felt like I was lying to him by not telling him about the baby I was one month pregnant with.

To Theo:

I'm soooo sory I did not reply sonner, I was in bed as usal! I would love to go on another date with u, but could u come to the bar 2night I have something I need 2 tell u?

I quickly texted him after I was done reading all his mesages.

From Theo:

It's okay, sory bout my other texts u can just ignore them. Off course ill come 2night. What do u have 2 tell me?

To Theo:

Yay, but u'll have 2 wait till 2night 2 find out

From Theo:

Fine :(! But I have to go now I gots an interview. See u 2night!

To Theo:

Okay by ttyl!

I finished out my text sending it to him, witch ended our conversation intill night time.


(A/n) It's almost Christmas it's like 10:40pm for me right now on Christmas Eve Eve so yay! If I dont update before then Mery Christmas or if u dont celebrate it Happy Holidays!

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