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I was just getting up to get ready when my pohne started to ring.

"Hello," I say into the pohne not looking at who's calling.

"Hey, it's Brian," my brothers husbeand says into the pohne.

"Oh, hi," I say after knowing who it is.

"I need a realy big favor from you," Brian says into the pohne.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Nate is realy sick like with a 104 tempedture so I nedd to take him to the hospital. Can you watch Marley?" He asks hopefully.

"Is he okay?" I ask going into worry mode ignoring the part about Marley.

"I don't know, thats why I need you to watch Marley," he says, I can tell he's starting to get frustrated with my questions.

"Ugh, can't your mom watch her?" I ask hopefully into the pohne.

"No, she's out of town amd her regular babysitter is sick, please," he adds to the end.

"Fine, just drop her off on the way to the hospital," I say into the pohn knowing fjll well that I was going to have to cancel my date with Theo.

"Thank you so much I have to go know thank you again," he says before hangimg up the pohne. I colasp back onto my bed in frustration about tonight, the one night I will have off in probably the whole year my brother decides to get sick.

I rember I have to call yheo to tell him I can't come so I sit up and push his contact. He answeres after the first ring.

"Hi, you ready for our date?" He asks as soon as he answers the pohne.

"Yeah about that..." I start to say but trail off because I don't want to tell him I can't come.

"What is it?" He asks after a few seconds of silence.

"I can't come," I say finaly spitting it out.

"What? Why?" He asks, amd even though I can't see him I can tell by the tone off his voice that he is indeed frowning.

"My brother is realy sick so his husband has to take him to the hospital, they need skmeone to watch their kid and I was the only option," I wuickly explain.

"Oh, I understand," he says still wit the frowny tone in his voice.

"Okay I'm glad, I thought you would be mad," I tell him truthfuly.

"Why would I be mad?" He asks curiously.

"I don't know," I say shruging my shoulders but then rembering that he can't see me and I can't see him.

"I should go, Marley will be here soon," I say getting ready to hang up.

"Wait, I just had an idea," he says.

"Okay, what is it?" I ask.

"Well, since uou have to babysit I could come over to your apartment to help," he tells me into rhe pohne.

"Uh..." I say not quite shure if that is a good idea righr know.

"It's fine if you don't want to," he ads quickly after my hesitant response.

"No, it's okay I want to," I say.

"Are you shure," he asks me double checking if this is what I want to do.

"Positive," I tell him with a smile.

"Okay good, because for a second I thought you wouldn't want to hang out with me," he says.

"I do, so I'll text you my adress," I tell him.

"Okay, I'll be there soon, " he says.

"Yeah I got to go Marley is here, I'll tk to you when you get here," I say as a goodbye.

"Bye," he says clicking the end button.

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