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It was latter on in the afternoon kn Saturday before I had to head into work that Brian and Nate came over to pick up Marley. She was raking a nap upstairs whilst Theo and I were watching his early release copy of Divergent on my couch.

"Th-" I had started to say but I got cut off by a nock at the door, witch I went to get.

"Hey," my brother said to me.

"You got better fast," I comment on how well he was acting.

"Yeah, about that..." He starts bur then trails off.

"What about that?" I ask my brother.

"I wasn't realy sick," he says to me.

"You what!" I say a little louder then I ment to, I had momentarily forgot there was a sleeping todler in the next room.

"I wasn't sick, but we had a good reason for lying," my brother tells me.

"Oh, what is this oh so good reason? " I ask him.

"We ar-" he starts but gets interupted by Theo coming in with a crying Marley.

"Am I interupting something? " he asks the three of us.

"No, they were just about to leave," I say handing Marley to Brian and closeing the door behind them while they leave.

"The one day I get off he lies to me about being sick," I complain to Theo after he asked me what was wrong.

"Hey you have no room to complain," he tells me.

"What why?" I ask.

"You lied to Mark and said you were sick, so technically you did the same exact thing," he tells me.

"But I had a good reason, he did not," I told him.

"How do you know he didn't have a good reason? " he asks me.

"I..." I start but trail off because Theo is right, I don't even know why he lied to me.

"Exactly, you don't know why they lied so you can't say they didn't have a good reason," he tells me.

"Fime, I guess you're right," I say to him.

"Good, now let's get back to our movie before you have to go to work," he says back to me.


(A/n Hi! My parts keep geting shorter but I just realy wanna update for you guys. Can tou please comment and vote lots thanks I realy appriceate it)

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