C A L L # 4

927 123 124

her | him


"Hello! This is the drug free helpline. How-"

"It's me again"

"What's your name?"

"Why? Are you planning on stalking me? You really should try to disguise your infatuation"

"What? no. If you're insisting on calling everyday then I demand to know your name"

"What if I say no?"

"I- you can't say no, that's not an option"

"It's an option now since I used it"

"How about tradezies? I'll tell you mine and you tell me yours"

"What the fuck? Are you 5?"

"It's a good bargain"

"Fine, whatever, go on"

"Jasmine, your turn"

"No. That's a nice name you got there though"

"Stupid, as if I'd tell you my real name. I knew you'd pull a stunt like this"

"That was actually...smart"

"What did you say? Couldn't quite hear you there"



//call ended//

"Hope you step on lego"


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