C A L L # 11

751 102 80

her | him


"Hello! This is the drug free helpline, how may i be of assistance?"

"You sound awfully professional for once"

"Okay, why do you feel the need to lie in a bath of weed all day?"

"Are you...high?"

"It's not a moisturiser, i assure you"

"I am confusion, what the fuck are you doing?"

"If you bathe in it, of course your mother will be able to smell it"

"Should I...hang up or?"

"You stare at pictures of spongebob while bathing in weed? That is...interesting"

"I'm not even kidding, I'm going to hang up"

"Oh do shut up. My boss was near"

"Well, that explains it but spongebob, really?"

"You don't have to pretend you don't like it"

"Patrick is so stupid"

"That's pretty much the point..."

"Also, who calls a fucking snail Gary?"


"No shit Sherlock but like, Gary is an uncle name not a snail name"

"You seem to be awfully passionate about this."

"I'm not"

"I have a snail called Gary"

"That's so stupid. Gary is not a snail name. You have to name it something else."

"Not passionate huh?"

//call ended//

"I had that coming"


i....am weird, i know. don't @ me. 

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