Chapter 3: Chasing Oblivious

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Since it was Friday, we decided why not have a slumber party. They both called their parents and they let them stay. Good thing all our parents are really good friends.

But Bella's father did told Cole to not get her pregnant. If only he knew his little flower was deflowered a month ago.

We decided for a horror movie. Bella and Cole were in one couch seated and I was in another with Matt. Halfway through the movie came a scary part and I ended up burying my face on his chest. He didn't seem to mind. He just chuckled and kept watching the movie.

This would've been the perfect opportunity to snuggle, but his phone went off and he left to answer it.


"So close. Stupid phone." I sighed as they chuckled.

He came back and sat next to me, "mom was just asking if you guys wanted to have lunch tomorrow at the house."

"Yeah." We said in unison. We love his mom's cooking. I hope his troll doesn't come too.

"I asked Tiffany if she wanted to come to, but she said she had a spa day with her mother." Phew, no troll at least. She would've ruined lunch.

"Don't go in there!" We yelled with Matt. The other two shush us.

After our movie we all went to bed. Do you have any idea how hard it is to sleep knowing the guy you like is next door? Very!!

Since I kept tossing around the bed, I left my bedroom and went to the kitchen for a midnight snack. I poured a glass of milk and grabbed Cole's cookies. I have to save mine.

"Couldn't sleep?" I look up and saw Matt walking in and took a seat next to me.

"Nah, I decided to come and steal Cole's cookies." I grinned as he laughed. "What about you?"

"Don't mind if I do." He said while grabbing a cookie. "I've never asked you this, but how come you don't have a boyfriend. You're quite the catch." He asked before biting the cookie.

"I dont know, I'm obviously a delight." I said with a cheeky smile, he laughed.

"You are. Maybe you will meet him soon." He smiled. If only you knew you're the one that I want. Why must you be so oblivious.

We stayed for an hour talking and we pretty much ate all Cole's cookies. After our little chat, we said goodnight and went to sleep.


The next day I did my daily routine and went downstairs and grabbed to grab breakfast. The others came down and sat at the table while mom was making breakfast.

"Where's dad?" Cole asked.

"Sleeping. He came late from his business trip." She answered him while passing us coffee.

"Is he signing that dude that's somehow big in Canada?" I asked.

"Yes, your father was very happy that he got him first." She smiled as we did too.

After breakfast was over, we went to the backyard, and by we, I mean just Matt and I. Bella and Cole were doing unholy stuff. He better not knock up Bella.

Lunch came and and we were all in Matt's house. His mom greeted us and told us lunch would be ready in 10 minutes.

I grabbed a photo album and saw his pictures. There was one with where he was naked building a sands castle.

"Nice tush." I chuckled while flipping through the pages.

"I swear I should burn that photo album." He sighed as we chuckled.

"Well, if you do, I want baby Matt with the bare tush." I laughed as he shook his head.

"Only you." He chuckled. "I'll be right back." He said before leaving.

"Any reason why you're not together with him?" His mom asked me.

"I asked myself the same thing everyday, I heard about people being oblivious, but your son, goes beyond that." She chuckled at my words.

"True, I really want for him to break up with that troll he has for a girlfriend." She sighed as I chuckled.

"You and me both, I'm working on it. Give it time." I said with a cheeky smile.

Then the oven made a sound and she went to the kitchen. Matt returned a few seconds later.

"Tiffany is inviting me later for dinner at her house."

"Is her place haunted?" I asked.

"No, why?"

"There's an urban legend, years ago, before she moved in with her family, the place was creepy, kids that went inside, would disappear. People passing by would see weird stuff and noises coming from the house. And there wasn't anyone in there." I told him as I moved closer to him.

"And till this day, the place is still haunted. Trapped souls and you can see three little boys playing on the backyard when no one is home." I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"You can't go to that house, you will not return and then, who will catch me when I jump on their back." I faked a sniffle as he chuckled while hugging me.

"You could be a story teller. I almost believed that." He said while pinching my cheeks.

"Maybe, but it is true what I said. Don't say I didn't warn you." I said as I squished his cheeks.

"I'll be the judge of that." He chuckled.

His mom called us and we went to have lunch. Soon his dad joined us and he also asked me when was I going to be with Matt. Even his parents love me. One day he will be mine.

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