Chapter 20: My Sweet Valentine's/Birthday Girl

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Nothing like being born on Valentine's day. Finally, eighteen and legally adult. I couldn't wait.

I was grabbing some stuff from my locker, when someone decided that it would be fun to piss off Matt. If I haven't mentioned it before, Matt has a very short temper and explodes really fast when people push all of his buttons.

"Hey, sweet cheeks." A guy said while slapping my ass. I was about to smack him when, Matt beat me to it.

"That's my girlfriend!!" He punched him.

I wished I would've brought my cookies to eat while enjoying Matt beating this guy.

"Cookies?" Cole said while standing next to me.

"Read my mind, twin." I said while grabbing one and ate it.

"Kick his ass, babe." I cheered Matt.

"Mr. Black, my office now." The principal said through the speakers.

Raul got up and left the school.

"That was such a turned on." I whispered to Matt as he smirked. He went to the principal office. I waited for him outside.

Ten minutes later he came out and said, "I got suspended for two days. But so worth it." He told me while interlacing our fingers and we walked outside. We reached his car and he gave me a kiss and then left.


The day of our birthday arrived. We decided to camp in my room. It's tradition that the day before our birthday, we sleep in the same room.

We were both woken up by our parents singing us, happy birthday with a mini cake.

"Make a wish." They told us. We closed our eyes and made one. We looked at each other and then blow the candle.

"Ready?" Cole asked me and I nodded. We grabbed cake and smashed it on each other's faces. Our parents laughed. There was a flash.

"Now you have the adult version and the baby one." Matt said while walking in.

"Happy birthday, babygirl and Cole." He gave him a hug and then pulled me into a kiss.

"Thank you." I smiled against his lips.

"Let's get out and let Rain changed clothes." Dad told everyone.

"Matt, send me that picture I want to frame it." Mom asked him as he nodded.

I went to do my daily routine, after that, I went outside and went straight to cake. They all just chuckled.

Matt sat next to me and said, "I have a especial gift for you, but will have to wait for later. In the meantime, I baked you cookies." He smiled before pecking my lips.

"Give me a hint."

"Nope, you'll have to wait, baby girl." He said while walking away.

"Aw, come on." I said while jumping on his back, he caught me. "Pretty please."

"No, little monkey." He chuckled while leaving my house with me. The rest just laughed.


Our parents threw us a big party. Everyone came and we all has a great time.

Matt learned his lesson of not drinking things from strangers. We all danced, had a few cocktails, ate. It was an awesome birthday surrounded by our family and friends.

After the party, Matt said he had a surprise for me and that I should pack something for the weekend. We got in his car and then he drove us to a bed and breakfast, that was an hour away from here.

Once we entered our bedroom, I was in awe. The place was filled with heart shaped balloons and on a table were cookies and a little cake.

"Happy Valentine's day." he said while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love this, thank you." I pecked his lips. "Happy Valentine's day."

He pulled away and got on one knee.


"Rain, I know I have been extremely oblivious. But us together, make perfect sense. We are a great team. You're not just my girlfriend, you're my best friend too. And I want everything with you."

"Rain Michaels, Will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes!! Thousand times yes!!" He slid the ring and got up.

He pulled me into a passionate kiss. Things started to escalate and we started to remove our clothes till we were completely naked. He picked me up and carried me to the bed, he pinned me down and started to kiss every inch of my body. I wanted him so bad, I was craving him.

"Are you ready for this?"

"I'm yours." I moaned.

He placed protection on his huge member and then lined himself between my legs. Without a warning he entered me. I gasped. That hurt so much.

He didn't go fast or rough. It was actually slow and very sensual. At first, I was in pain, but that was replaced by pleasure. At this moment I was completely and irrevocably in love with this man.

He went a little faster and started to suck one of my breasts while thrusting me. I think sex is my new favorite thing. The way he was claiming my body was driving me insane. You would think he was a pro. We reached our peak and exploded together. We lay there catching our breaths. I caressed his face while smiling like an idiot.

"I love you, Matt. This has been the best night of my life." I pecked his lips.

"I love you more, baby girl." He pulled me into another kiss.

He replaced his protection and we went for another round, this time I felt more pleasure and it didn't hurt. Once we found our release, I got up to pee.

"Uhm, are you supposed to bleed?" Matt asked me. I came back to the bed and saw blood.

"Maybe my period came?"

"Let's just ask to the one thing that knows everything." He suggested.

"Who?" I said confused.

"Google, of course." That made me laugh. "Hmm, yeah it's normal to bleed when It's your first time. You're not bleeding to death."

"Phew, I was this close to ask Bella." I chuckled.

He pinned me down on the couch and rocked my world there. This time was rough and passionate. The pleasure I was feeling was out of this world.

After our unholy time, we snuggled and fell asleep Immediately. Best birthday ever and I got to celebrate Valentine's day for the first time with someone I'm in love with. And I'm glad it was Matt. I couldn't wait to get marry. It feels so surreal that we're engaged. But I was beyond happy.   

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