Chapter 16: Devastating News

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We headed to the hospital and he hugged his parents. His brother, Aaron. Was coming for a visit and his car was hit by a drunk driver. He died in the operating room.

"Aaron!!" He screamed while seeing his brother getting covered with a white sheet. "This has to be a nightmare; you can't leave us." He sobbed. His parents were a crying mess.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." I gave them both a hug.

"Wake up, brother." I walked back to Matt and hugged him.


Few days went by, we were at his funeral. I stood next to Matt while holding his hand. It broke me seeing him in this state.

I couldn't believe he was gone; he was going to graduate this year. Aaron was a chirpy person, always saw the positive in the bad stuff.

"Goodbye brother." He cried as they started to put the coffin down.

"Bye Aaron. You will be missed." I cried as I threw a rose on his coffin.

After everyone saying their goodbyes, we went to their house. Matt went to his bedroom. I figured he need a little time alone, so I stayed down with everyone.

"We were supposed to celebrate that he was graduating college, not attending his funeral." Martha said while sobbing.

An hour later, I decided to check on Matt. I went to his bedroom and he was on his bed crying. I sat next to him and he buried his face on the crook of my neck.

"I'm here for you, Matt." I told him while wrapping my arms around him as he cried.


A week went by, Matt was a little distant from me. I knew he was hurting, but I didn't want him to push me away, I didn't want him to deal with this alone.

I was on my way to the bakery, when I found Matt on a bench drinking a beer. I sat next to him and grabbed the bottle away from him.

"Hey, give that back!"

"No, drinking is not the solution, beer will not bring him back. This isn't you!"

"Maybe it is me, maybe you don't know me at all." He snatched the beer from my hand and left.

I look to the other side, and saw 10 empty bottles. Oh Matt. I followed him so he wouldn't do anything stupid. Which he was about to.

"LIKE HELL YOU ARE DRIVING DRUNK!" I snatched the car keys from his hand.

"Maybe if I get hit, I will be with my brother." He started to cry.

"And what, make your parents attend their last child funeral. Do you have any idea how that will break them, how will it break me and your friends?" Tears started to fall. I was angry that he wanted to end his life.

"I'm sorry." He sobbed. "Aaron was my best friend. We were supposed to travel after I graduated high school and him college."

I pulled him into a hug and let him cry. "How about we fulfill your brother's dream, when we both graduate high school; we will travel the world, go to the places he wanted to go to."

"You mean it." He sobbed.

"I do. I love you and I want to do this for you and Aaron. We will take a year off, before going to college, deal?" I said as I wiped his tears.

"Deal, I love you so much. And I'm sorry." He pecked my lips.

I drove him to my house and laid him on my bed. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. I left my bedroom and went to the living room.

"How is he?" Dad asked.

"Broken, my heart aches for him. I just hope he gets better." I sighed as I sat next to him.

"He will, it's not easy when someone from your family dies. Just be there for him." Dad told me while giving me a side hug.

An hour later, I went back to my bedroom and lay next to him. He had tears streaks on his cheeks. I ran my hand through his hair.

"Hey, baby girl." He said in a sleepy voice.

"Hey, Matt. How are you feeling?"

"Like I'm in a nightmare. I just can't believe he's really gone." He said somberly.

"I'm here for you, one day it won't hurt this much. Just hold onto your memories with him." I said while caressing his face.

"I know that. And I'm so thankful for you. I love you so much." He placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you too." I smiled, "Are you hungry?"

"Starving, beer is definitely not food." He said as I chuckled.

"Please promise me no more drinking like that."

"I won't, that was just a moment of weakness." He sighed.

I went outside to get the pizza I ordered and brought it back to my room. I placed it on the bed and we grabbed each a slice.

"Thanks for being patient with me."

"Always, even when you drive me crazy." I said making him chuckled.

We enjoy the rest of the night watching movies and burying ourselves in comfort food. He was relaxed. Let's hope he goes back to the old Matt.  

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