Chapter 6: Birthday Issues

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Two months went by and we were also a week away from Matt's 18th birthday. The man loves to read, so I decided to buy him the complete series of Harry Potter. He loves the books more than the movies. He couldn't afford the whole series, so this is the perfect gift. And also, the wand. He is a Potter head.

I saw him walking to his locker, I ran towards him and jumped on his back.

"There she is." He chuckled.

"You're almost eighteen." I said while hugging him. He's older than us for a few months.

"I'm getting old, maybe you shouldn't jump on my back anymore." He grinned as I climbed down.

"You're not old and I will still jump on your back." I said as I pinch his cheeks.

"Is there a reason why those two aren't a couple?" A girl asked Cole and Bella as they looked us from afar.

"Because he's oblivious." Cole replied to her.

"Well, he needs a smack, if he don't want her, I'll take her." She said before leaving.

"Who was that?" Bella asked Cole.

"I think her name is, Miranda. She's into chicks. She once told me you were hot." He told her as she blushed.

They walked to where we were and grabbed their stuff from their lockers.

"So, eighteen huh? you're getting old dude." Cole told him as Matt rolled his eyes.

"Old and hot." I winked at Matt and then went to class. He just gave me a look. We're getting there.

"What was that?" He asked them.

"Thay was Rain being , well Rain. You know she has no filter." Bella told him as they chuckled.


Night came and we decided to throw him surprise party, Matt is not a big fan of parties. But since it's his 18th, we decided he need a big one. What better place than in our backyard with pool and a mini bar.

Cole entered the house with Matt and I jumped on him, he caught me as I hugged him. "Happy birthday, Matt." I gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you, Rain." He smiled.

"Close your eyes, I want to give you your present. I would cover your eyes, but you're too tall for me." I said as he chuckled.

"Hop on and let Bella guide us." He suggested. Bella grabbed his hand and led him to the backyard. Once we were there, I removed my hands and everyone yelled, "surprise."

"You guys didn't have to do this, but thank you."

"But we wanted to, you deserve a great birthday. And I wish you the best, have a great birthday and party." I hugged him as he hugged me back. Right here is were I want to be forever.

I got lost in his eyes, those beautiful eyes that can pierce your soul.

We pulled away and lock eyes for a little bit, then the football team grabbed him and gave him a beer.

"Did we just had a moment?" I asked Bella.

"Yup, I think you chasing him is paying off. I think you're almost there." She smiled.

"I wanted to kiss him at that moment. I hope he returns my feelings." I sighed.

"Im sure he will, it's starting." She said while playfully bumping her shoulder on mine.

A few hours later, I went to look for him, I figure maybe just maybe, if I tell him how I feel he will return it. After 20 minutes, I found him. And he was not alone.

"You have soft lips, how about some fun." Patricia said while kissing him.

"Sure." He replied while grabbing her face.

My heart shattered in millions of pieces. I thought he hated her and now here he is about to have sex with her. I left and went to my room and cried. This bite. I thought after Tiffany I had a chance. Ugh.

After 30 minutes, I decided to stop crying and went back to the stupid party. This is my house and I will have fun. As I was leaving my bedroom, I saw Matt on the floor trying to breathe.

"Matt, you okay?"

"I- I can't breathe." My heart stopped by hearing this. I called dad and he took us to the hospital, once we were there, they took him to the emergency room.

"Dad, I'm scared." I said as tears were falling.

He pulled me into a hug. "He will be fine."

"Where is he?" Martha and Joshua asked.

"In the emergency room. We have to wait. I'm sorry." I sobbed.

"Why are you sorry for?" She asked.

"Because if it wasn't for this party, he would be fine." I buried my face on my dad's chest.

"It wasn't your fault. We have to wait for the doctor." His dad told me.

Cole and Bella arrived with mom. They said they told everyone to leave the house.

Two hours later, the doctor came and told us he was stable.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"It seems, he had drugs in his system. We did a detoxification on him. One of them he was allergic to and the other, was the one that people refer to as, date rape drug." That would explain why that bitch was taking advantage of him.

"He was lucky, you brought him on time. Drugs are not candies, people need to stop playing with them. One more minute and you would all be attending a funeral." He told us as I cried more.

"I- I think I know who did this. But just to make sure, I need to check the footage of the hidden cameras." I sobbed.

"I'll go check them." Cole said as Bella went with him to the house.

If Patricia was indeed behind this, she will pay so hard, she almost killed Matt. Ugh, I was beyond angry. They messed with someone I love.

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