Chapter 8: Jealousy

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Days went by, and they caught Patricia. She was hiding but had no such luck.

We went to a park and had picnic there, the weather was really nice, we all needed a day of peace. But good things come to an end.

"Hi, Matt." A girl said to him while smiling.

"Hi, Coral." He smiled back. I think the green monster is invading me.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me, maybe tomorrow?"

"Sure, that would be nice." He replied.

"Awesome, I'll text you my address so you can pick me up." She waved us goodbye and then left.

"I thought you were done with dating for a while?" Cole asked him.

"Yeah, but she's cute. Maybe something will work out with her." can't say that didn't hurt.

"I don't think you should go out with her. She seems fake with the whole, 'hi Matt'." I mimicked her voice.

"Well, I guess that's up to me to decide." He replied.

"Have fun, I hope she isn't crazy. I mean you have a history with crazy girls." I left the park and went home. Since the park is only ten minutes walking, I made a run.

I do everything and he doesn't see me. A stupid girl says, hi Matt let's go out, and bam, he thinks she might be the one. I let out a loud scream.

"Rough day?" I turned to see, Jacob Daniels. The big sensation in Canada.

"You could say that. And how come you're running in my neighborhood?"

"Well, I'm staying at the Michaels residence." He replied.

"Ohh, so you're the special guest dad told us about."

"The one and only. Since I'm guessing you're going there, let's race, exercise helps you release stress and anger." He smiled.

"You're right." With that said, we ran to my house. Never thought I would be running with a star. Then again, seeing as who my dad is, this shouldn't surprise me.

Once we reach my house I screamed again and then went to my room to take a shower.

"I see you met my daughter. I swear she isn't like this." He said causing Jacob to laugh.

"She's just angry about something. Teenagers these days." He chuckled as dad did too.

Jacob is 28 years old. According to dad, he started to do music videos on Instagram and with time, he got a lot of followers and record companies wanted him to sign with them. But dad had the best offer and he took it. And he just got verified 5 months ago.

"Don't eat anything, I made reservations at this new sushi bar." Mom said before going to her bedroom.

"I hope you like sushi." Dad said..

"Favorite food." He smiled.

"Hey, have you seen Rain?" Cole asked.

Before they could replied, Bella screamed, "Jacob Daniels is here!" With that said, she passed out.

"Should I be worried that my girlfriend got starstruck by you?" He asked as Jacob just laughed.

They put Bella on the couch, "starstruck?" I asked.

"Yup." They all answered. I laughed. Bella is a big fan.

"Sorry for fainting." She said sheepishly. "Big fan."

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Babe, he is off limits." Cole told Bella.

"I'm just a fan of his voice." She chuckled. He gave her a kiss. "He's too old for me." She whispered.

"That hurt." Jacob feigned being hurt. We laughed. He was really down to earth.

"Where's, Matt?" I asked with crossed arms.

"Well, he went to his house and was texting with Coral." Cole answered.

"Ugh, he is an idiot, an oblivious player. Ugh." I went to my room and slammed the door and locked myself.

"I guess now I know why she screamed earlier." Jacob told them.

"My twin loves an Oblivious guy. No matter what she do, he doesn't see her."

Bella and Cole told them a bit about mine and Matt's friendship.

"Well, that's because he doesn't have competition. From what you told me, it seems like he also likes her, he is either really oblivious or scared to ruin his friendship with her. Or both."

"I guess, we should put a plan in motion." Cole said while running his hands together.

After a few minutes of talking in the backyard, they all smiled at each other about their plan.

"Brilliant." Bella said excited.

"We can put the plan in action this Monday." Jacob suggested.

"Yeah, the sooner the better, she is way too moody now." Cole sighed as they chuckled.


Night came and we all went to that sushi bar. I love sushi, whoever hates sushi is not a friend of mine.

"So, Jacob. Ever in love?" I asked before eating my sushi roll.

"I have, still am. I'm engage actually." He smiled.

"How do you get over a crush?"

"Well, usually crushes go away after they screw up or do something to disappoint you. But I don't think yours is a crush."


"Well, your brother told me a little about Matthew, his ex and now this Coral, usually that would've been two reasons to move on. But you haven't, and that's because you have deep feelings. Maybe love him." He replied before drinking his juice.

"Love sucks." I sighed. "I'm not hungry anymore." I pushed my plate away and went out for fresh air.

I've heard about this famous phrase, 'Love Hurts' didn't think it was true, till now. 

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