Chapter 25: Epilogue

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Time sure went by fast, our first born was a boy. He was a mini Matt. Cutest toddler in the world. We also had another baby. A girl, we named her, Chantelle. As for the boy, he was named after Matt's brother. Aaron. He cried when I told him that. Everyone was really happy when I decided to give him that name in honor of his uncle.

Aaron is 3 years old and Chantelle is 1 year old, she was my mini me. I thought I would have them on a big age difference, but we always got in the heat of the moment.

We also kept Aaron's dream alive. Matt and I visit the 5 countries him and Aaron wanted to travel to. We wrote his name in every country we visit. It was an awesome honeymoon. We traveled for a month and then returned home, would've been more, but being pregnant and traveling wasn't the best.

I was being lazy today and since the kids were napping. It gave me a chance to relax a little. Those two drain my energy. "I want, cookies." Aaron said while sitting on my belly.

"Mama." Chantelle started to cry while grabbing my arm. So much for thinking they were napping and for my relax time.

"Cookies for Aaron and I'm guessing a baby bottle for you." I picked her up and Aaron grabbed my free hand. we walked to the kitchen and sat her in her chair and Aaron sat on his chair.

Chantelle kept crying, she's a little impatient. "Peekaboo." Aaron said while trying to calm her. She started to calm and then everything was laughs.

"Thank you, little helper." I smiled at Aaron as he smiled back. Aaron is super protective of Chantelle. He loves her so much; he sings to her. Well, not clear with the lyrics, since he's still three years old. But it works for them.

"I'm home." Matt announced as Aaron ran to hug him. He picked him up and Chantelle extended her little arms. I picked her up and handed her to Matt. I smiled at this beautiful sight. I have a family with the most amazing guy in the world. This means everything to me.

"Here you go." I gave her, her bottle and Matt put her in her chair so she could drink it. "And one cookie, mister. Lunch is near." I said as I gave him the cookie. he gave me a kiss on my cheek.

Matt put him down and then pulled me into kiss. "How was the business trip?"

"Amazing, they're interested in my new product." He had the biggest smile plastered on his face.

"I'm happy for you Matt. And also, very proud." I pecked his lips. "I love you."

"I love you more, babygirl. How about after they fall asleep, we go to our bedroom and I show you how happy I am. Also, I haven't seen my wife in 5 days, I desire you so bad." He whispered which caused me to get so turned on.

"I can't wait." I bit my bottom lip. Our passion is still there, and I'm so thankful for that. He gave me one more kiss and then went to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

There was a knock on the door, Matt went to open it, a few seconds later. Bella, Cole and Pia walked in. Bella was also expecting twins. Girl and boy. He gave Aaron a hug and then his eyes went to Chantelle. "There she is." Cole said while picking up Chantelle.

"Don't shake her, she just had a bottle recently." I told him and he just nodded.

"I wish I could pick you up." Bella said while hugging Aaron. He gave her a kiss on her cheek. We spoil the kids. Bella spoils Aaron, Cole spoils Chantelle. Matt and I, we spoil Pia a lot.

Matt and I are raising our kids' old school, no devices, just TV for their programs. Also, we don't shower them with gifts every day, we don't want them to grow up really spoiled. Cole and Bella are doing the same. When I say spoil, I don't mean gifts, I mean taking the kids to the park or buying them ice cream. Something simple now on the holidays is a different story. Besides us, the grandparents showered them with gifts.

"I still can't believe that we are married and with kids." I said while looking at everyone.

"Feels surreal." Bella smiled while looking at Pia playing with Aaron and Chantelle.

"I'm extremely happy, I got to marry my best friend. I also gained a great brother in law and a great friend." Matt said to Cole and Bella. They both smiled.

"If someone would ask me if I would change anything from my life, I would say no. I got everything right here." Cole said while smiling at us.

"Same." We all said at the same time.

We joined the kids in the living room and they walked to the couch where we were. Chantelle Climbed on Matt's leg. He picked her up and placed her on his lap. Aaron say on my lap as Pia sat on Cole's lap. Being here was everything to me. This is my family and my happiness.

I had to Chase Oblivious to get to where I am. I would do it all over again if I had to. Cause Matt is my world. Him and our kids are the most important thing in the world. And I'm so thankful for him. He completes me.

The End  

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