Chapter 24: Mr and Mrs. Black

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 "Before you two jump each other, let's marry you both. I would say we don't want any surprise visitors, but too late for that. If you catch my drift," Nixon mentioned, pointing to my stomach. Matt rolled his eyes.

"Dearly beloved," Nixon started to say and stopped. We looked at him quizzically. "I'm cutting to the chase since Mr. Oblivious can't get the point. We know it took you forever to get here and took crazy pants here to get oblivious to realize it. We know you both take each other for all that good junk that everyone does. If you didn't, you wouldn't be here and I'm sure the rents would hunt you down for your sexcapades resulting in mini-bun."

Nash facepalmed himself.

"Now back to the point, we know you will love, honor, cherish, and anything other thing you think of doing with each other. We know you're in this for your health because if not, then I will perform a funeral instead of a wedding. No one wants to attend a funeral and feeling miserable," Nixon informed us, smirking.

I laughed, "Thanks dad, for a crazy minister."

"You're welcome, little princess." He laughed too.

"I won't get mushy, because you already know how I feel about you. Even though it took me a while for you to know how I felt since I was chasing oblivious." I said as they laughed. "I love you. And I'm happy I get to marry my best friend."

"I guess I really am Oblivious. But you never gave up and now we're here getting married by some crazy. And I can't wait for our baby to arrive. let's just hope he or she isn't oblivious." He chuckled as I chuckled too. "I love you Rain." I was crying. This moment felt so surreal.

"I beg your pardon, I am not crazy, that's Grammy, may she Rest in Peace in the heated place," Nixon said as Nash groaned. "Since oblivious and crazy pants declared their love for each other, which is sweet to the point, thank god for that. We don't need to rehash boring vows that people forget years later, because they get old and shit. I declare you Mr. Oblivious and Mrs. Crazy pants, now suck face so that we can eat before my brother loses his shit."

Nixon stood there as everyone stared at him in awe. "That means kiss the bride, you twit. Damn, you are more oblivious than my twit of a brother," Nixon told Matt.

I laughed a lot. Matt just shook his head and then gave me a mind-blowing kiss. Something about kissing your husband makes it better. The kiss was getting a little heated, the minister had to separate us.

"I love you, Mrs. Black."

"I love you too, Mr. Black."

He gave me one more kiss and then we all went to the reception. I'm sure the caterer was about to lose it. Matt and I had our first dance as a married couple. knowing we're married is the best feeling in the world. Well that and having a baby.

"What?" Nixon asked.

"Is there ever a time you can leave me out of your performances?" Nash asked.

"It's a reminder not to act like a tool in a marriage. It's a good thing you got your shit together, or I'm sure Grammy and Ma would have your hide," Nixon reminded Nash.

"You are never going to let me live that down, will you?" Nash asked, annoyed.

"Nope, because it's a friendly reminder never to return to that way of life," Nixon smirked.

"I learned and ended up with five kids and several grandkids, which reminds me, we have to get ready for a graduation," Nash reminded Nixon.

"That we do, brother, that we do. Now, let's speak to the happy couple, eat, and show them what dancing is," Nixon told Nash as Nash smiled.

"So, you're interesting and crazy." I pointed at Nixon. "I like you, you would've been a hit as a comedian."

"And you, well, you haven't talked much but, you seem nice and normal unlike, crazy pants over there." I said to Nash as he chuckled.

"Well, we had a unique wedding ceremony. By the way, the food is delicious. congrats to the chef." Matt said to them before eating his food.

"I got a date with a certain porcelain." I made a run to the nearest bathroom.

"Should've seen the signs." Matt sighed as they laughed. My husband the oblivious.

"Don't worry, marriage is amazing unless your old lady pops out five kids at once as my brother's wife did," Nixon mentioned, thumbing at Nash. Matt's eyes widened.

"That coming from someone who had twins with his wife," Nash retorted.

"Kat isn't fertile myrtle like your wife," Nixon remarked.

"Is your wife's name Myrtle?" Matt asked Nash, confused.

Nash rolled his eyes. "No, my wife's name is Maggie."

"Close enough," Nixon shrugged, leaving Matt completely confused. "Let's eat, so we can get our jiggy on, then go home to our wives," Nixon told Nash, who nodded.

We all waved goodbye and then they went to do their own thing.


After the reception, we went home. Matt and I wanted to celebrate our first night as a married couple. After a 20-minute drive, we arrived home.

We walked to our bedroom and from there we got crazy. I've been wanting to jump on him since I saw him at the altar. He thrusted me with so much passion. last night we didn't sleep in the same house. I was really eager to have him inside me. After going for five rounds, I wore him out. Usually it's him, but with my pregnancy, I'm the one who drains him. I leaned down and pecked his lips.

"Our wedding was amazing." He smiled as I smiled too.

"It was, I love you so much, Matt. Us being married makes me so happy." I caressed his face.

"Same, babygirl. I can't believe we're having a baby. I'm beyond happy with you." He pulled me into a kiss and then he rolled over to his side and fell asleep immediately.

I chuckled. "Night hubby."

Best day ever, and the second one will be, when our baby is born. I couldn't wait for it. 

Chasing ObliviousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora