Not While I'm Around

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"You ready to go?" Sweeney called out.

He was standing by the door waiting.  He and his father were going out to find Sweeney a job and he felt impatient.  Sweeney was getting tired of staying here and he wanted to leave with Nellie as soon as he could.

"I'll be there in a minute!" He heard the slightly muffled response from James.

Nellie walked up to the door and looked up into his eyes.  He could feel the fear radiating off of her body and wondered what was wrong.

"Sweeney, can I go with you and James? I figured we could stop at the market and I don't want to go alone."

Nellie felt Cornelius staring at her.  She didn't want to be alone with him again.  Collin was leaving Blackpool and Johanna and Toby had left to say goodbye, leaving Nellie with the man she now feared.  It was then Cornelius' voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Oh, well Eleanore I'll go to the market with you, I'm sure walking around around with my brother wouldn't be a lot of fun."

Sweeney nodded, still thinking.

"Cornelius is right, we'll be gone for a long time and you seem tired a lot.  You should get some extra rest, as a matter of fact I'll stop at the market on out way back.  What do you need?"

"Um..." Nellie hadn't actually needed anything, she'd just wanted to get away from Sweeney's brother, "We need gin, and I could use some new shoes."

James stumbled clumsily into the room, grabbing his hat from the coat rack.

"Alright let's go," he sighed, out of breath.

"Bye Nell," Sweeney said kissing the top of her head and grabbing the doorknob. "When I get back I'll have a job, I promise."

Nellie nodded.  The door clicked shut and she closed her eyes.  Slow, heavy footsteps.  A hand gripped her wrist.  Lips pressed against her neck.  A tear rolled down her cheek.

"How nice of Sweeney," the hot breath of Cornelius hissed, "We don't have to go to the market, we have more important things to attend to."


Johanna entered the house, holding Toby's hand.  She turned to see Nellie sitting on the ground her head in her hands, crying.

"Mrs. Lovett are you okay?" Johanna asked rushing to her side.

"I'm fine love..." She said, wiping her tears.

Johanna didnt believe her, and neither did Toby.

"Mum what 'appened?"

"Nothin' dear, just a little said today tis all."

"Are you hear alone?" Johanna asked holding her hand.

"No, Cornelius is in 'is room."

Johanna stood making her way down the hall and opening the door to Cornelius' room.  He turned, smiling when he saw Johanna.

"Hello, glad you got back safely, what can I help you with?"

"Mrs. Lovett, I don't know what to do but shes sobbing."

Cornelius forced a look of worry onto his face though he inwardly felt angry.  They could've pieced it together, Nellie almost revealed him.  He walked out of the room quickly heading towards her.  As he knelt next to her she leaned away from his touch.

"You all right Nell?" He asked.

She nodded but didn't say anything, she was too scared she would reveal everything.  Too scared Cornelius would make things worse for her.  Too scared no one would believe her.

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