Chapter 30 - Conflicts

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--Jack POV--

I have noticed here in the past few minutes that it's getting pretty late and Negan has been gone longer than usual. Now i usually don't worry this much but somethings off and i know it. I wish i could go out and find him but i can't under any circumstances leave my baby here by himself. I'm to good of a mother to do that, i would never put my son in harms way or even leave him out of my sight for any duration of time. Ever since the incident, i have become more protective of Theo and that is good, he is so small and innocent and he needs his mama to take care of him and that is what i intend to do till he can be older.

Right now i look down to my peaceful baby boy in my arms and he is so fucking cute, i can't get over it. I'm starting to get hungry, but Negan is not back and it's making me feel sick worrying about him. I decide to eat anyways, so i place Theo down in his bed and i wind up grabbing a can of beans and i heat them up. I hate beans but there is not much else to eat, that is at least till Negan gets back which i'm hoping is soon. Where could he be, he never takes this long i mean this is getting scary. I know for sure it has to be dark out by now or it's starting too for that matter.

What the fuck do i even do, this is pure torture and it's like if i could leave i probably would but i can't under any circumstances. I trust my husband, so i know he is okay and he most likely just stuck somewhere for the night and he will try like hell to get back here. Negan doesn't like to leave us for too long so he is on his way back i know that in my heart. For now i'm going to enjoy this time with my baby, since he has just woke up and he's hungry again.

This boy sure can eat, but that is okay i don't mind it at all, in my opinion this brings him closer to his mama. When he's done, i lay down with Theo on my chest and i just play with him, i have Tiny in my one hand and i poke Theo's chubby belly with the plush toy and i can see his little lips form a small smile, and it's fucking adorable. Lately he has been smiling and babbling like crazy, he is just so happy and giggly it melts my heart and of course it melts Negan's too.

Our baby boy has made my man soft, Negan has always had a soft spot for kids but now he has his own son and it's like the world is complete now, with us three together like it's supposed to be. I rub my hands up and down Theo's back soothing him as he lays on his belly. He loves to be on his belly, especially when he lays with me or Negan. So this is a very sweet moment and i love bonding with my son, and it feels like when i was still pregnant with him, the way he moved inside my belly. I didn't mind my pregnancy at all, sure it was a pretty hard and difficult labor and i almost died but Theo is worth everything i went through and he always will be

At some point i fall asleep, with Theo cuddled up on me and we are both covered up and comfortable for now and i'm hoping after this nap my man comes back to me but for now i can't keep my eyes open, so this is what is now and i'm going to take this quick nap so i can be ready to see Negan walk inside those doors.


A shocked Negan stands still while his eyes are not deceiving him. This is real and it's happening right now, and why Brandon has found him seems to be off to Negan and he is somewhat suspicious of this by chance encounter with a kid he formally knew but not very well. Brandon is only about 16 or 17 and he was on his way to being a savior under the watchful eye of his father who was one of Negan's top guys. Back then before Negan had even met Jack again, Brandon was just a janitor for a while after his arrival at the sanctuary, while his Dad trained to be one of Negan's men.

After his father had been killed at the outpost attack by Rick's people, Brandon became a savior to avenge his fathers death. His motive is now unclear, but Negan has always been worried that this kid, being as dangerous as he seems to be would want to exact revenge upon Negan because he was the one who sent his father to the outpost. Although the former leader had to seek revenge against the Alexandrian people, Brandon has in his mind now and then that all of it was his fault. The kid more or less envies the man now, but he has been searching for Negan since he left his cell. Now he has found him, and Negan is very concerned about this and why Brandon has found him now.

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