Chapter 43 - Finally Safe

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Out of breath and anxious, Negan sees the car sitting right where he left it and this is probably the last time he will see the old beat up, piece of shit as he calls it car. He hopes that Jack and Theo are okay and if so he still has to hurry to get them down this long dirt road to their new house, then his mission to find wood for a nice big fire that he needs to get going very soon. That house is very cold, and he is hoping that maybe the water still runs but if not then what else is new. The modern luxuries of all that type of stuff has since come and gone since the world ended and he has learned to deal with what is and it's okay to an extent.

Nice and warm showers would be amazing, just to even have nice clean water to drink is nice too, but he is going to find water if he has to search the world for it. Since the farm seems pretty safe there might be a well or something the farmers used back in the day, he just has to find it. Right now though he approaches the car, tired from all the walking, his feet are kind of sore but it's worth it a million times over. Jack never has to worry about being alone or doing much of anything since she has a caring man to take care of her instead of beating and raping her like the horrible Kevin did. Jack doesn't ever even mention his name anymore, his face fades away and she finds herself not even remembering all the details which is good.

Though the car window he can see his girl, head back against the seat, her eyes closed and Theo snuggled under her shirt and blanket. She has fallen asleep and he can't bring himself to ever wake her when she looks like this but it's really starting to get cold out now and the sun is going down, so it will for sure be dark soon since the days are getting a lot shorter than before. It's bothering him to wake her up but it has to be done and either she will be mad or happy he doesn't know, so he is going for it and his fingers are crossed that Jack won't bitch at him. She can be a little grouchy when she wakes up, since she loves to sleep a lot.

Negan opens the door and leans down, being careful not to bump his head and the noise wakes Theo up just a little but not Jack. He starts to get fussy and cries, his eyes are tearing and he is not happy at all, so Negan wraps him up with the other cover and takes him, holding onto him and he winds up sitting down for now till Jack wakes up. When he gets in the car Jack moves and reaches around for Theo but panics when she notices that he is gone.

"Theo, where are you peanut?" She says while wiping her tired eyes and there sits Negan in the drivers seat holding onto their son. "What the fuck, Negan you scared the shit out of me I thought someone took him again, you were so sneaky and quiet" she fakes a laugh. Jack is not really mad she just gets scared when it comes to her baby.

"Shit sorry baby, I didn't want to wake you up I mean when you can sleep it's a good thing so I left you go and just cuddled with this boy for a little and let me tell you he was babbling away, drooling on me again" he expresses a certain amount of love and affection for the infant loving all the cute things he has been doing. He holds Theo up and talks to him. "Yeah, were you talking to daddy and making noise, cracking a little smile huh little man, why don't you show mommy how you smile at daddy?" He laughs and Theo moves his head a little, his eyes wondering around and he actually smiles slightly.

Leave it to Negan to make a baby laugh and smile, even though he does for Jack a lot this has to be the first time Jack has seen Negan bond with the baby boy like this way, but then that smile turns into a pout and he screams in a flash, and it's the hungry cry. "Oh shit he is due to eat, but what is going on what did you find out there"? Jack asks while Negan hands the baby over to her.

"You will never fucking believe it, found a nice ass farm house down that dirt road, checked the place out and guess what, it's safe and I think we can stay in there"

"Wow that is so fucking amazing Negan, we should get there like as soon as I'm done feeding him because this mama is cold and so is this little peanut, is there any way to get heat in there?" Negan is relieved that Jack is so excited and happy now, this is a big weight lifted off of both of their shoulders. The long awaited search of home has hopefully come to an end and this could be it.

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