Chapter 39 - Out Of Time

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Once again Jack is being forced to leave the place she became to know as home, and this is something she has seen happen since the start. Every time she stayed at a place for a little the dead would find her and she had to move on. Well this is the same thing happening again but this time she has a baby and her husband Negan with her so she is not alone, and probably never will be again. The shock factor still hasn't sunk in yet because they had to leave in such a rush that Jack didn't even have time to be upset over the fact that walkers had invaded their home and her guitar got smashed up, but she did what she had too, saving Theo was so much more crucial.

It has to be late evening by now, and Negan keeps driving till he stops the car and looks over to Jack. She looks very sad and a few tears slip down her pretty cheeks and he feels so bad for her. The poor girl has been through so much hell and she can't seem to escape it even when she has been with him and having Theo too. Negan takes a deep sigh and reaches over to caress her bare arm, and she looks over to him with her teary eyes and she wants to talk but does not know what to say. What she is thinking is they are for sure going to be homeless again and it's going to be winter any day now.

"Negan what are we going to do, this is not happening again I mean where are we? Where will we go now?"

"Baby hey it's okay we were in this fucked up situation before and look at what happened so we are going to shit I don't know, and now that I think about there's a sign there" Negan points out the window to a road sign and right away he knows by the direction of where they are and it's the same way he came from over two years ago before himself and Simon came across the sanctuary. It's a sigh for Fredericksburg where also Jack lived and her mom. Negan and Simon has gone through there just passing by to get to what would soon have been the sanctuary. "Holy fuck, Jack we're almost back in damn Fredericksburg"

Jack hears his words and she feels the sadness wash over her being so close to her old home, where she went to school and worked, where her mom had lived and she is still buried there. Since that day, Jack has not been back here, she moved on rather quick and headed out of the city to where she later found herself on her own for a long time and then to the dreaded hospital that she has since forgotten about. Although she will never forget about it, all that has happened is good and she is happy now. But right now she still feels sad being back here.

"I can't even believe it right now" Jack says as Negan gets back into the car and he knows that she is feeling upset about this but they need to find somewhere to stay and very soon. He refuses to spend another night in this car, and this time there might be more hope then there was before, somewhere even better to live for himself and his family.

"I know baby, but we have to keep going, maybe there is somewhere still around and we can stop by your old house and" he gets cut off by Jack getting worked up and she tries so hard to talk.

"No no no I can't, Negan I can't be back there" Jack is worried so much but then she realizes that she never took anything from her moms house when she left it and there could still be things there worth keeping. "I haven't been back there and I don't know if I can handle it yet" Negan understands his wife, he wouldn't be able to go back to his home he shared with Lucille, it would just bring back those memories of her being dead and trying to kill him so this is no different. "But then again, I know that maybe there is still something there I can keep, photos of her because I don't have anything so maybe it's a good thing to stop by and see what is left"

"You sure baby girl we don't have too, I mean it was just a suggestion" Jack looks at him and gives a reassuring nod and with that Negan turns the car into drive and heads down the road, vaguely remembering the long ass drive through here till he found the factory. It takes about a half hour to reach the outskirts of Fredericksburg and to Jack it all looks the same, now that the sun has come back up she can see all the same buildings although now abandoned and decrepit like they usually are now a days. The same store she worked at part time while she was in college, the music stores sigh still hangs halfway on top of the small strip mall.

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