Chapter 47 - Moonlight

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Beautiful moonlight shines down onto the ground and the sky is lit up, and Jack admires her ring that Negan had given her as his official proposal, and it has so much special value to her she protects the lovely rock with her life. The day he placed it on her little ring finger, Jack knew right then and there that this man is hers forever and she is also his for life now. The love they share is not like any other, and this dinner was her way to show him that even the smallest things she does for him shows that she cares beyond imagination, and Negan is grateful for her gestures. It makes him love her a million times over, and he's happy that she's willing to do anything for him as he does anything on earth for her too just to see her smile.

Their baby is still sleeps inside so this alone time is even more special, since Theo is always hooked to Jack's hip she can't ever really be without the infant, but sometimes he wants Negan more than her and that's okay. Jack wants nothing more than for Theo to bond and be close with his daddy since Negan is his father and someday when Theo is older, he will look up to his dad. This all reminds her of the knife that Negan wants him to have and thankfully she has kept that safe as well, and Negan of course still has the box of liquor and it dawns on him at the most random time to crack a bottle open to go with this dinner so he gets up and goes inside to grab one along with two glasses, but Jack's not feeling like drinking now.

"Forgot about this good shit baby, it's been a while since we had our fun and had some drinks so how about it baby, should I pour my wife a glass?" He asks her and Jack doesn't answer him, so he pours the glass anyways and places it by her plate. He sits back down and takes in the sight that Jack is moving food around on her plate and he can tell something is wrong. He wonders if he said something to her, but he knows for sure he didn't, so he has to know why she's acting this way. "Baby hey what's wrong? Did I say something because you know how I am sometimes shit just comes out my fucking mouth without me even knowing about it"

Jack looks up and meets his eyes, she's mostly just tired and she's honestly just listening for Theo to cry knowing he's probably going to be cranky and hungry soon but everything's okay so she smiles to reassure him. "Shit, sorry I'm okay Negan, I just kind of wondered off for a minute, I don't hear Theo yet so I was just worried"

"Oh relax babe, he is fine alright I just checked on him so let's have this drink huh"? Jack stares at the glass and wants so badly to take a sip but it makes her sick and that is not something she wants to deal with right now, so she watches Negan drink half the glass before setting it down. "Alright then, I get it... you don't have to drink that baby, I was just fucking around, I know you don't like to drink so if you want to go in and check on Theo it's okay I will be right here waiting"

"Yeah, I know he is okay but there is something else I want to get so be right back" Jack stands up taking the plates as well, and she goes inside. Of course Negan smirks watching the way her ass is wiggling as she walks away, he really can't ever help himself. He is a guy after all so looking at ass and tits is kind of a specialty of his. A couple minutes later Jack comes back out, with the record player in her arms and she sets it down on the chair. "I thought it would be cool to play some music while it's such a nice night out here, and it's quiet and peaceful I just want to enjoy being out here while it's warm and nice like this, so here goes nothing and I promise not to play it to loud, okay babe is that alright if I play this while we sit?"

The man smiles and thinks about how cute Jack is, when it comes to music she is like a little kid, all giggly and cute and he lets her have or do what ever she wants so he agrees to the record player, and Jack is anxious to play some music while enjoying the time being outside. "Yeah baby, you don't have to ask me if it's okay I don't mind a little music playing, besides it's just a little bit to quiet" he chuckles and Jack rolls her eyes, before the music comes on and it sounds great. Some old classical music plays and Jack is not a big fan of that music but it play anyways. Jack sits back down on her mans lap and just relaxes, taking in the all the amazing things she has in her life now that all the bad things are in the past and that's where they will stay so she can savor the good things.

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