Chapter 64 - What I Never Knew I Always Wanted

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Days of endless recovering are ahead for Negan since he's just awakened from a gun shot wound, and now that he's back to reality with Jack taking care of him, it's time to heal which might take long. His cute little wife is such a good helper, Negan has been in bed for a few days and he just woke up, shocking Jack and she's still in the mode where she's worried to death about his wound and the risk of infection is serious so she has to keep him clean and healthy so he can recover peacefully. Things haven't been easy for her, with Negan incapacitated at the moment, she has to be a mom to a one year old baby and a newborn, and also take care of her man since he needs help with certain tasks like bathing, eating and other things.

But the girl is determined to help in every way she can but juggling all of this is stressing her out so much that she's exhausted and tired. Feeding a newborn, taking care of Theo who is also so needy and wanting to be held all the time while also helping Negan is hard. She feels like superwoman right now, but having actual powers would come in handy and she laughs at the thought while sitting down to feed Iris who is screaming. "Shh it's alright sweetie, mommy is sorry that I'm not really all there right now" Jack adjust so Iris latches onto her nipples to eat and the poor baby has trouble. "Oh my honey" Jack helps her out and Theo crawls into the room where Negan is sleeping on the bed and he really wants to lay with him.

"Theo honey just wait a second okay mommy will lift you when I put your sister down" the infant screams and throws a fit, waking Negan up. "Theo Shh, it's okay"

"It's fine baby, I wasn't sleeping that well anyways" he chuckles and sits up to take notice that Jack's being a mom right now, like in full mom mode and he laughs. "Look at you doing it all, my wife the super mom"

"Oh please, this is nothing it's almost like clockwork now with this little girl, she has this process and then it goes on and on and then Theo well he is just a mommies boy so when I have her, he screams and wants to be held, ugh I sure hope you heal soon and can help me out again"

"I am pretty much healed baby girl, just taking it easy in fact I might be able to get the fuck out of this bed today by myself, I have to take a long ass piss so let me see here if I can do this myself, remember baby I am made of fucking steal, I have some brass balls" he's a devious asshole, a wise cracking one at that and Jack can't help but roll her eyes and it's actually nice to hear him joke around to make her laugh after these rough few days.

"Oh my gosh Negan, I can see that you're feeling better because you're right back to your old asshole self" she giggles and Iris is done eating so she burps the baby girl and changes the messy diaper. "You okay in there babe? Do you need me?" She yells out just to make sure that Negan is alright since he went into the bathroom by himself. He responds and says he is trying to shower.

"Negan wait for me to help you babe, you're still like recovering and I don't want you to fall and hurt again" Jack lays Iris down and walks into the bathroom where her husband leans against the sink, naked waiting for the water to get warm enough to step in. "Alright mister, let me help you please, you should lay down in here and soak it might help your muscles and stiffness" Jack does just that helping her much taller husband into the tub so she can help him clean like he did for her. "See that's not so bad, after this we have to get some food in you but other than that how does this feel, it's looking so much better though does it hurt like really bad yet?"

"Nah, just a little it even looks better so I think a certain little nurse did such a good job on me, this is some good ass work" he chuckles as Jack runs some soap down his chest, washing his skin and taking it easy near his wound and stitches. She soaps up his hair and washes it, rinsing his body clean so he can step out and feel better now and Jack picks out a simple shirt and shorts since the house is pretty hot. Jack's apparel consist of gym shorts and a small tank top showing off her midriff, and her belly has gone down a little bit but she's still in some pain down below and swelling is a little apparent but not like it was.

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