Chapter 4

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Harry woke up to a loud bang, followed by a grunt and a few curses. He began to take in his surroundings. He immediately recognised the vermillion curtains on his four-poster and determined that he was in his dormitory.

Though, much to his dismay, he had no recollection as to how he got there.

He identified the voice as Ron's and began to shift himself to face towards the noise.

Harry groaned involuntarily, due to a pounding in his head, causing Ron to whip around to face him. "Oh Harry, You're up! Sorry if I was too loud, I was trying not to wake you but dropped my book on my foot." Ron explained.

"Don't worry about it mate" Harry responded groggily. His head throbbed but he did his best to ignore it.

"So what happened lat night?" Ron asked Harry. Harry just furrowed his eyebrows and look very confused, as he had no idea 'what happened last night'. Ron didn't seem to pick up on this and asked again.

Harry told Ron of his predicament which only seemed to spark his interest in the matter more. Harry was unaware of the reasoning behind Ron's sudden interest in his constant whereabouts and he told him so.

Ron explained Harry's unusual arrival the previous night and Harry's jaw dropped.

"Malfoy carried me here?! Malfoy?" He screeched "And you didn't think to ask why the hell I was unconscious in his arms?"

Ron was taken aback by Harry's reaction but understood his embarrassment. He told Harry about Malfoy becoming defensive and that they chose not to push it last night.

Harry wracked his brain as to what could have possibly occurred last night to warrant being carried to Gryffindor tower by his arch-nemesis.

Then, with a start, he began to remember. Dra- Malfoy walked in on him in Myrtle's bathroom, and instead of sneering and slagging him, he tried to help.

Harry remembered trying to leave and being grabbed by Malfoy after stumbling before his vision went black, and he couldn't remember anything further.

Deciding against telling Ron what had truly happened, for fear of being asked what he was doing there in the first place, Harry said he remembered tripping and falling in the corridor. Deeming that he must have been found by Malfoy and he took pity on him.

Ron seemed to decide that it was valid and dropped the subject, much to Harry's relief.
Harry sighed and ran a hand through his matted hair.

Harry stood to head towards the shower. He needed to clear his head.


Harry walked out of his dorm and headed towards the great hall.

He was still rather shaky from yesterday's occurrences and so made his way down slowly and carefully.

He arrived at the great hall and made a beeline for the Gryffindor table, hoping to avoid the stares; or at least block them out.

He sat down next to Hermione and across from Ron. Hermione had her head in a book as usual and didn't even glance in Harry's direction when he sat down.

Harry resumed his usual routine during breakfast, putting a small bit of food onto his plate.

This made it seem like he was still eating a decent amount to anyone who was looking, and that he had just eaten most of it.

Harry did this mainly for his own peace of mind, as he knew nobody cared enough to look at his eating habits.

Harry was, however, unaware of a pair of mercury eyes across the hall, that hadn't left his plate since he sat down, watching him aimlessly move the food around his plate.

After breakfast finished, Hermione stood up and gestured for them to come, stating that they "couldn't be late for transfiguration this early in the term"

She ignored the groans from her two companions and the Golden Trio made their way to Professor McGonnagal's classroom.


Hey guys,
Yes, Drarry is coming
I promise!
I just don't want to just dive in and would rather give you a background story before everything really starts.

Thank you all for reading this bs story

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