A Phone Call From Damon

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As Elena was heading back towards the Plantation House at Human Speed, she could hear the sound of a....typewriter? Elena blinked and came to a stop and moved her hair out of her face and listened closely to what was going on inside the house before realising that Klaus had brought that blonde woman, Cami, over and was having her type his memoirs as he spoke. 

Shaking her head in pity for the blonde, Elena was about to continue her way up to the steps when her phone suddenly started ringing. Coming to a stop once again, Elena pulled out the item from her bag and checked the Caller ID before she pressed the answer button with a smirk on her face, amused but at the same time, she was rather annoyed. She hadn't expected Tyler to get back to Mystic Falls within hours but then again he was a Hybrid and Hybrids were faster then normal Vampires.

"Hello Damon, I take it you got my message."Elena said in a fake innocent voice.

"You evil lying bitch, I thought Katherine was evil but she got nothing on you in that department!"Damon yelled at her over the phone and Elena inwardly flinched and took a deep breath before she silently exhaled.

"That's the sad truth about you Damon, you never get the girl, but hey maybe Katherine will take pity and sleep with you, and if she doesn't there is still Bonnie, or not. You did try to kill her and you did kill her Mother, so she probably isn't your biggest fan-Bonnie died trying to bring Jeremy back to life, for you!"Damon interrupted Elena angrily.

"No, don't lie to me. Do you really think I'm still that naive little girl?"Elena stated, rolling her eyes as she headed up the steps and continued talking before Damon could say anything."You had her try to bring Jeremy back to life so you could find me by using his blood after I 'disappeared'."The Witchpire opened the door to the house and slammed it shut behind her. Upstairs, she heard a jumpy movement."Like I told you Damon, you never get the girl, this my parting gift to you and give Mystic Falls my best."Elena retorted, laughing mockingly at Damon."If you and Stefan know what's best for the both of you, you'll stay away from me and New Orleans."Elena paused for a second and thought about Katherine and how she had turned her Doppelganger into a Human as she made her way up the steps."How is Katherine anyway? I bet she's loving the fact that she's Human and also I bet she just couldn't wait to tell you everything about Klaus and I did after Tyler came and spilled the beans."

"She's dying."Elena froze in the doorway of Klaus' Art Studio as Cami came to a stop in front of her and looked at her warily before quickly walking out while Klaus looked at Elena in shock, having heard what Damon said.

"What?"Elena choked out as Klaus Vamp-Sped over to her side.

"Appearently that Cure once ingested still existed in Katherine's blood and when Silas sucked the cure out of her she started to age quickly because she's 500 years old Vampire."Damon answered coldly before he hung up.

Klaus and Elena looked at one another before a wide smile broke out on Elena's face."It's about time that damn bitch died."Elena chirped and chuckled to herself while Klaus smirked, happy to know that he was going to be rid of Katerina Petrova once and for all.

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