4 || truly genuinely

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"Have a good rest of your day, ladies!" Mr. Keene called out to the two of you far too enthusiastically as Beverly exited the pharmacy.

"Man, that guy's a creep," she spoke once the door shut, rolling her eyes.

"Took the words right out of my mouth," you sighed, shaking your head.

The two of you began walking down the sidewalk when you spotted Bill coming out of an alley. You took notice of the way that he and your best friend looked at each other, and, without a word, sped up your walking. You were one hundred percent positive that Beverly and Bill had a thing for each other, even if neither of them would ever admit it, so, being the amazing friend that you were, you gave them a little time to themselves.

You smiled at Bill as you walked past him and turned into the alley, examining the scene before you. A pale, chubby boy with rosy cheeks sat against the wall on top of a crate, dried blood on his chin, the side of his face, and leaking from his nose. His clothes were torn and stained with patches of dirt, and it really did look like someone had killed him, like Eddie said earlier. He was kneeling beside the boy, patching up the large wound on his abdomen while Richie stood nest to him and Stanley stood at a safe distance away, both overseeing the process.

"Hey," you greeted Stanley, standing beside him.

"Hey," he replied nervously, not taking his eyes off of the kid's stomach, even though it looked like he was about to vomit because of the sight. "Oh god, it's bleeding, oh my god!"

At that point, Beverly had wandered into the alley, Bill trailing after her like a lost puppy.

"You have to suck the wound before you apply the bandage, this is 101!" Richie exclaimed.

"You don't know what you're talking about," Eddie swiftly dismissed him.

"Are you okay?" Beverly asked the chubby boy worriedly when she reached him. "That looks like it hurts."

"Uh, no, I'm good," he assured her. "I just fell."

"Yeah, right into Henry Bowers!" Richie added.

"Shut it, R-R-Richie," Bill said, giving him a look.

"Why? It's the truth."

"You sure they got the right stuff to fix you up?" Beverly grinned, and you easily caught the New Kids On The Block reference. The walls of your room were covered from ceiling to floor with posters of your favorite boy band. From what Beverly said, you assumed that this kid was a fan of them as well. Respect.

He smiled at her, then looked down embarrassed, his cheeks reddening.

"You know, um, w-w-we'll take care of him," Bill turned to you two. "Uh, thanks again, Beverly. And y-you too, Y/N."

"Sure," Beverly said. "Maybe we'll see you around."

"Yeah, w-we were thinking about going to the q-q-quarry tomorrow, if- if you wanna come? Both of you?" Bill asked, seemingly surprising the other boys.

"Good to know, thanks," Beverly smiled.

Sensing that the conversation was coming to an end, you turned to wave at the others and hastily headed out of the alley and back onto the sidewalk, Beverly following not too far behind after saying goodbye to them as well.

"Who was that kid back there?" you questioned. "The one who's obviously crushing on you."

"Who, Ben? He's not crushing on me."

"Oh, my dear Beverly. You can be so oblivious sometimes. Unlike you, I know everything, and trust me when I say that that boy is deeply in love with you."

"If you say so," she laughed.

"Anyway, are you going to go?" you asked, changing topics. "To the quarry?"

"I mean, sure, why not?" Beverly shrugged. "It'll be fun. You?"

"I'll go if you go."

"Lies!" She nudged your shoulder with her own, smiling teasingly. "You would go no matter what to spend more time with Stanley."

"Oh, shut up!" You rolled your eyes, desperately trying to fight the smile appearing on your face just at the mention of him. "I don't even like him!"

"Yes, you do, don't lie!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Don't test me, I can do this all day!"

"Fine, fine!" Beverly surrendered, raising her hands up in the air. "I'll see you tomorrow, then. Meet you at your house so that we can go together?"

"Sure. Bye, Bev."

"Bye, Y/N/N."

The two of you parted ways and you walked the rest of the path home by yourself. When you reached your house, you pulled out the key you stuffed in the pocket of your jeans earlier before leaving. You inserted it into the keyhole and opened the door with a creak, locking it once you got inside. Then you leaned against the door, smiling like a lovesick teenager (even though you were definitely not lovesick).

Today had been a good day. A truly, genuinely good day, even if there wasn't anything extraordinary about it. It was the first time in a while that you had interacted with someone outside of school other than Beverly, and the first time you had been invited to something in a long, long time. You nearly jumped at the opportunity to hang out with Beverly, Bill, Richie, Eddie, and Stanley, especially.

Did you have a crush on Stanley Uris? Maybe. Maybe not. Only time would tell.


Hi guys! I just wanted to say a quick thank you for 200 reads, it means so much to me!

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