♢Kid!MC x Portia - Steak-Outs and Flowers♢

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It was mid-afternoon when Portia was on her lunch break. She was in her cottage cooking when she saw two white figures bolt by. Curious, Portia took a closer look to see Mercedes and Melchior running after something towards the maze.

The red-head put down her spoon and walked out her door, following the dogs towards the maze. She had assumed that the creature in question was a small rabbit or similar woodland friend. She wanted to make sure that those pesky dogs didn't tear the poor thing to shreds.

Portia followed the barking to a dead end of the maze where the dogs were both facing the corner.

"Mercedes! Melchior! Get outta here and leave the poor thing alone!" Portia chastised the dogs as she shooed them away. 

When they were out of the way, Portia noticed the hole in the hedge, clearly where the poor creature had fled.

"Oh, those damned dogs..." Portia muttered, shaking her head. "I'll have to make sure this mess gets cleaned up."

T I M E  S K I P : The Next Morning...

When the sun was just cresting over the horizon, Portia was already awake and dressed, ready for work. After grabbing a bite to eat and feeding Pepi, she stepped out into the brisk morning air.

"What's this?" Portia wondered aloud, bending over to pick up a tulip from her doorstep. "Where did you come from?"

Shrugging, the maid opened her door and set the flower in a little vase filled with water before she stepped out to get to work.


Over the next few weeks, Portia continued to find a single flower at the door every morning, without fail. There were so many that she had to move them to a larger vase. And when they finally died, she made sure to press them gently as to keep them forever.

At first, she thought she was the recipient of a secret admirer's affections. She tried leaving notes, flowers of her own, but to no avail. Her attempts to communicate with the stranger were futile, seeing as her gifts always remained where they were, with the addition of another flower.

Portia began asking around the palace. She asked the guards, Ludovico and Bludmila, she asked the Chamberlain, she asked the Chef, Hestion, she even asked the groundskeeper, Babouche and the other servants, including Vincenze and anyone else she could find. No one could tell her anything.

Frustrated with not having any answers, Portia decided that she was going to spend her day off on a steak-out to catch whoever was leaving her flowers in the dead of night.


On the day of her all-nighter, Portia slept all day so that she could stay up to see who exactly came to her door in the wee hours of the night to give her flowers.

Her living room was completly re-arranged. Every blanket and pillow she had was spread out to provide as much comfort to the couch and floor as possible. She had gathered enough snacks to last her well into the next morning if need be. 

It wasn't even all that late when Portia yawned for the first time. 

"Oh, at this rate, I'll never be able to stay up late enough to catch whoever's leaving these flowers..." Portia muttered, stroking Pepi's soft fur.

"Prrrp?" Pepi questioned, looking up at Portia.

"Yes, you're right, Pepi. I can't just give up now,"

Hours passed and Portia and Pepi were both beginning to nod off. 

Eyes heavy, Portia leaned her head against her arm just for a moment and was just dropping off to sleep when a rustle of leaves brought her to full attention.

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