♡ Angel!MC X Lucio - Wings ♡

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Holy crap, I am so so sorry for being gone for so long. I just started University this fall and things have been absolutely insane. I have a lot of requests to get to after this. Thank you for your continued support and love, your comments and votes make me so happy!

This is the 5th part of the MythicalCreature!MC series. Thank you again for your patience :)


"MC~" Lucio called out as he tossed his head back in boredom.

The young apprentice looked over their shoulder to see the Count draped dramatically over the chaise lounge.

"What is it, Lucio?" They asked as they once again faced the bookshelf in the library, running their fingers across the spins, looking for new magical reference materials.

"I'm boooored~" He whined.

MC sighed, and turned around, hands folded over their chest, slightly annoyed at his incessant whining.

"And what exactly do you want me to do about that?" They asked, shifting their weight onto one leg.

"I dunno~" He replied.

MC scoffed and pulled a few books from the shelves and placed them down on the table next to them before seating themselves in the chair.

"Then go find something to do, Lucio, I'm going to sit here and go over these," They said waving a thick, worn book in the air.

"Uggh," Lucio groaned in disgust as he rolled over on the couch.

MC rolled their eyes and settled down with their books, trying to tune out whatever it was that Lucio was doing.

Even while they tried their hardest to ignore him, MC could still hear his shuffling about, his sighing and the occasional stimming.

They watched him stand and stretch out of their peripheral vision. He mumbled something to himself as he wandered about the Library, disappearing for a moment down one aisle of shelves, only to reappear on the other end.

He ran his gold claw gently across the spins of the books as he paced, which made a rather distracting clicking noise.

This mindless dawdling and muttering and clicking and noise-making then turned into whines of MC's names or pet names as Lucio begged for a moment of their attention.

With each call of their name, MC only huffed or sighed, reminding Lucio that they were otherwise occupied with important research and that he was the one who decided to join them in the library.

Slowly, the noise and the shuffling about wore the apprentice's patience ever thinner until finally...


Lucio's head snapped over in MC's direction, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.

MC's hand was flat against the cover of a thick volume, quite obviously the source of the noise.

Their head was bent slightly over the table, their hair/headscarf hiding their face from Lucio's view. A dark and slightly menacing aura surrounded them.

"Uhh... MC?" Lucio asked meekly.

MC's eyes raised slightly to meet Lucio's gaze. Their face was cloaked in shadows, the only visible feature being their eyes which held a piercing glare.

Lucio's face whitened as MC slowly rose from their seat at the table. He heard them take a deep breath.

'...oh shit...' he thought, preparing for an earful from his significant other about the importance of their research or their sanity and peace of mind.

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