Chapter 4: The Dance

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After the short discussion in the first part of the summit, Kai had lead the European leaders and ambassadors to the ballroom, for enjoyment and to feel more welcomed from their long, sea voyage. Aiden, however, took this chance to approach the silent queen, but got blocked by Anna.

"So, Prince Aiden, is it?" She asked rather cheekily, taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor. Apparently, Anna just wanted to talk to him and get to know him a little more, and she'll give him back the opportunity to approach her older sister.

"Oh, uh, yes, Princess Anna?" He said in a questioning voice, unsure if he said the princess's name correctly. "Yes, Princess Anna indeed. I just wanted to dance with you for a bit, I saw your eyes on my sister a few moments earlier." She mischievously ranted, "Don't you think my sister is just so beautiful and interesting? I mean, she may be a bit too silent for your tastes, but she's way more than that."

Aiden blushed at the mention of the queen. Anna grinned, "I see. Well, go ahead, dance with her. Oh, and tell her you don't take no's at all. Got it?" She asked rather too energetically.

"Hehe, got it." Aiden nodded quickly, before letting go of the princess.

He was, to be honest, nervous. He quickly went to a corner, approaching the queen, who is speaking with a Spain official.

Aiden took a deep breath, and exhaled. He cleared his throat, saying,  "Señor, may I borrow her majesty for a dance?"

The Spain official nodded with a smile, "Aye, señor. Go ahead." After that, he left.


Elsa smirked at the prince, "I really caught your eye, didn't I, Prince Aiden?"

Aiden smiled, fixing his hair shortly. Elsa watched as he pushed back his hair, a rosy color once again taking over the apples of her cheeks.

"Queen—I mean, Elsa, would you like to dance with me?"

Deep inside, Aiden prayed she wouldn't say no, or deep down he hoped he didn't panicked just enough to cause Elsa to reject—

"Of course, I would like to dance with you." Elsa smiled, taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor. Some of the male ambassadors looked at the two with shocked expressions, since some of them had offered the motionless queen their hands for dancing, and mostly, she declined. A single prince had just stole the opportunity.

The Orchestra saw the pair approaching, and as if on cue, they went to a brand new score.

"The traditional dance of Arendelle," Elsa hummed, "Get on position, Prince Aiden."

Aiden shuffled nervously at his position, earning a chuckle from a distance from Magoo.

The boy had never been a nervous feller. This girl must be making it real...

The music started.

Elsa struck a pose from where she stood, Aiden's eyes widening as she pulls his hand on her waist, her hands on his shoulder. The dance began, with Elsa leading him.

Anna froze from where she stood, laughing like an idiot since, her sister actually said yes! It was like a miracle, a tremendous success. Most definitely one that would be permanent.

He's a keeper, sis.

Aiden finally got the hang of it, switching roles with his partner and leading her wildly. Elsa's eyes suddenly found focus on his emerald ones once more, looking at them in an intense way.

Aiden looked at her as he twirled her, his eyes still locked on hers. They didn't notice, it was bringing more intensity to the dance.

The other dancers had departed the dance floor, after seeing the two new stars of it.

Aiden was lost in her eyes, as well as Elsa lost on his.

It felt like going forward to a whole new reality. It wasn't how vibrant the shade of green is of his eyes, it was how it was so mysterious, like something deep in it, you can find something.

It felt like going to Ahtohallan once again, a mystery brewing up in her mind.

He looks more than a prince.

He looked like a lost man.

Soon, Aiden finally dipped the queen, marking the end of the dance. Elsa's eyes suddenly lost their eye contact, finding their position quite awkward. She held a strong grip on his shoulder, afraid she'll fall completely.. 

... For him..

Everyone froze from where they stood, gazing at the only dancers in the dance floor. Anna started to clap, the rest following suit.

Then it turned wild.

Whistles, applauding, and cheers, started to erupt from the audience, Aiden laughing and taking the queen's hand, bowing alongside her.

"Brava!" The official from Spain concluded, "Brava, indeed!" He clapped.

The pair exited the dance floor, Elsa being swooped by Anna, who looked apologetic to Aiden for stealing her sister.

"I didn't know you had it in you! I thought you don't dance?" Anna interrogated, "You two were lost in the dance floor earlier! Ooh, especially the last part—" Elsa blushed heavily, "I didn't know what he was up to, I was surprised to be dipped. But Anna, there was something more in the dance..."

Anna wiggled her eye brows suggestively, "Oooh, didn't know it would—"

"We were lost in each other's eyes, but I was lost on his more. Anna, I felt like going to Ahtohallan again. His eyes were a mystery. He's a mystery." Elsa whispered the last, gazing at the prince who spoke and nodded with his personal guard, Magoo, who smacked his back with a laugh.

Anna looked at her sister oddly, "Maybe he's someone, who shares your former personality? The person you used to be, I mean."

Elsa froze upon hearing her sister's words.

She shook her head, "I don't know. But I will find out, eventually."

Anna nodded, "Alright. Go ahead. I'll be in the chocolate corner if you need me!"

Elsa laughed, nodding back and running away to find the mysterious prince once more.

He was just by the open air, in the Royal gardens which is just a walk from the ballroom. His emerald green eyes gleamed in the moonlight, his gloved hands in his pockets casually, his gaze catching hers.

He motioned for her to join him, which she gratefully accepted.

She didn't know, that his black hair, his emerald eyes, his pale skin... will be a whole new sea she will drown in.

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