Chapter 191: Unheard

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This fateful rainy day reminded him of a forgotten childish dream.

The clock weighed less when he was much younger, when his words were left unheeded to drown who spoke. Abaddon looked at his son like he was a mere human devoid of feelings, Magoo wouldn't understand since he saw deep things complex. Helena barely saw him around back then, and then there's docile Ronald... The very man left with nothing but barrens of emotion.

He hated playing the role of the desperate charity case, but it cannot be helped. The Northern Guards were the closest people he could consider as friends... Though their faces always seemed awfully stoic, they held the umbrella for him and it made him happy because somebody actually cared, even for a little bit.

However, it was their obligation, anyway.

"I hope this is exactly what you desired, your Majesty."

And suddenly, by the harsh sound of thunder, Aiden was tossed back to the real world. A world where, his gaze unintentionally met the falling beads of rain dribbling down the looking window in one of Arendelle's most popular barber shops.

Offering the middle aged man in his late forty's a comforting smile, Aiden surveyed himself over the mirror and showcased his dimples with a satisfied grin.

Trimmed strands of black hair were scattered around the lacquered floor, and Aiden can tell mister Moore is quite talented with his pair of scissors.

It is just the right style. It solely looked like the hairstyle he had back when he was a prince, which nearly made him gape at his reflection due to the faint memory of the distinct hair-do. His hair was growing too long anyway, and sometimes it gave him trouble to see clearly... The style felt refreshing.

"You're too talented with those dandy blades, Mister Moore," Aiden chuckled.

The barber blushed lightly and composed himself from melting like putty under the fire king's words of praise. "Glad to hear that, sire. But to be honest, anything would have been fitting."

"Always so kind, mister Moore. I insist in advance," A few daring bills left his leather wallet, "I'll be sure to refer your service to close contacts."

"You are most welcome, my king," The man donning a delighted toothy smile, "Although... It still occurs to me as a surprise that not one guard have escorted you around, even at least one."

Aiden scratched the nape of his clothed neck, "I prefer to walk downtown early by myself. This habit clears the stuffy air I find myself whenever I am escorted by my men," Aiden explained carefully, "And those certain times aren't one where it is raining," A sigh escaped his lips.

"Truly a rare day of winter with rain standing in snow's stead," Mister Moore shook his head with a sigh, "Perhaps it will be best if you stay in here until the weather clears up, sire."

Aiden could only nod in agreement, flopping down on one of the cushioned seats next to the entrance and closing his eyes as he crossed his legs. One... Two... Three.. Four... Five... Six...

Clopping hooves tore the unamused king from his invisible reverie. The official Arendellian carriage haven't been put to use since the last encounter with the Great Freeze, so it was a big surprise for Aiden to find it steadying right outside accompanied by neighing steeds and a staunch coach.

The single passage of the entrance and exit of the carriage swiftly opened, and out stepped a black heeled foot and then another, before the entire form of a calm snow queen showed herself armed with a sacred umbrella.

"Love..." He whispered, utterly in awe.

Closing the umbrella briefly, the Queen of Arendelle calmly entered the facility surrounded by an air of grace. Her regal stature didn't last very long after a grin broke into her face.

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