Secrets: Domino's Return

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Team: often times we can get caught up with our own problems we don't realize there are people to solve them with us if they choose to. Your friends should be family away from your home maybe. That's what the Winx stands for. But they all have their differences and look at Aisha she believes in what others told she could overcome. She's been a survivor and she is still to this day standing tall. So tall her head high and straight she's become completely fearless because she doesn't overthink much anymore and she laid her burden down when she figured out what she was fighting for."

"Come on Winx nice teamwork ladies,"

"I guess you didn't need my help after all Lillian," replies Stella. "I understand why you didn't ask me for help at least from me to be the right friend to my team I have a lot more to work on than I thought."

"Stella actually," Rain sighs. "I'm the person who could really use your help on kindness."

"What?" inquires Stella gasping. "But I'm not like you. You're the Princess of Magix Realm you're a better princess than I have ever been lately."

"That's not true. We can learn to improve each other together, Rain," said Bloom. "If anyone is a terrible princess I claim that spot. I used to think Princess Aurora was the luckiest princess around but now I kind see a different side of the story. By sleeping it was a metaphor for running away from the problems you faced in life I have done that especially with the Trix many times I was selfish. I'm not good at caring about everyone else unless it's children cause children don't talk back cause they don't know better."

"You're right, Bloom. My step-sister is that way." Lillian spoke.

"Thank you Frieda for the necklaces," states Bloom. She puts hers back on. Bloom looks onto .

"You guys go on ahead there's something I wanna do fairies."

"Bloom," Lillian says. "You could get stuck here. Please come."

"No. I'll be fine." Bloom replies. "Go I'll meet up with you guys at the Swinging Blossom. Lillian trust me. Your team needs you. I'm fine on my own dear."

Lillian walked through the passage with the others into the next room while Bloom knelt down in front of Discord.

"You might be a witch but no one deserves that pain in front of you messing with your stomach darling." Bloom says. "If Embelia could find the fairy side of you so can I. I summon the Dragonflame Flame of Revival!"

Her powers sparked and her entire body was covered in golden light. It was so bright even the emblem Embelia gifted to the young girls that one Bloom had was glowing gold very gold.

"I know who I'm I always pity those in need even though they're not my friends at first. My foster family taught unconditional love's rare."

"Thank you Bloom you healed my best friend," Queen Thornia responds. "I suppose Cloudtower is making the right choice in challenger fairies."

"If you want back into Cloudtower I would be happy to talk to Griffin about surely she would love returning graduates?"

"Maybe so," Mia says. "Thornia is a Queen though so we would be a member short."

"Why not bring your professor back she won't be a fairy anymore obviously she still loves you all three of you."

"Bloom thank you," Discord hugged the fairy Bloom felt overwhelmed but normal and fine absolutely fine about that decision. "Domino is not as dead as you think. Lies have met others in the most important times including members of the very powerful group called the company of light: Princess Bloom."

"You deserve to bring your kingdom back from the dead," Thornia says. "Do you hear it you're mother's beautiful lullaby. That's not an ordinary emblem it's the symbol of Domino."

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