Ace's Report

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Ace's Pov

"Ace don't do this! Let me go!" Sky spoke. But I couldn't break the spell in my mind and welcomed Sky to his home the stone cells in the earth of the Omega Portal Island. I put them under a fatigue spell. They couldn't fight me. Not even Riven. They were all going through the same thing Brandon had just endured.

"Ace listen to us you're our friend," Timmy shouts.

"Then why didn't you heed my warnings before this spell came upon me you could have changed the future yourselves. I knew what happened I told you but you just had to help a seemingly innocent man didn't you?  Instead of using the tools I gave you through words! You are the worst heroes ever and we are not friends either anymore Specialists! You're not going anywhere and I'll keep this myself. I know Riven's extra good at picking locks."

Chains were lifted and placed on the specialists wrists. All Sky's days back in the dungeons of the palace of Tritonia came rushing back into his head. He struggled against the chains and whispered Atlanta's name. But the chains only tightened and Ace's smirk became more serious.

"Ace stop it! Don't! Don't do it!" Riven complains. "We'll die if you seal it with magic."

"We'll all die eventually Andros is at it's last limit Riven. And you couldn't even fight your way out of a simple sleeping and fatigue spell."

I lifted my best friend's chin up to look into my eyes. Fear crept into his face. Riven suddenly realized he was the only one in the group in that cell that hadn't been spelled with a heavy fatigue spell. The others are the other hand were enveloped in it."

I let go of him.

"Be glad you're awake and you get to enjoy everything while the others are stuck in their own regrets. Such as Sky never being able to save Bloom for once. Timmy never feeling like he was part of this group of heroes of Specialists and Brandon being a flirt and a dunce. The girls are here and once they land they will feel all your pain and be weak. You should have listened to Sky who listened to the warning I gave you all. Now you're stuck in a mess you can't win without my help and I can't help you because I'm stuck in the dark Wizard's mindspell."

I left the cell feeling satisfied that the chains would hold up to the girls and their magic."

"Light of Melody enchant this door do as I bid. Don't let wave magic or fire or sounds through. Magic will not make it bend only for natural causes will it fall."

"Get ready to say goodbye to the entire world Specialists." I responded. "You only have 48 hours left to live anyways."

"Ace!" Riven shouts stop it. But the light magic burns Riven's wrists.

"Well done child now it's time to finish the fairies off and those meddlesome heroes."

Valtor walked up to a couple molds of clay. He had seen Daphne perform this trick and that's how he knew it. He adds his flame to clay model that looks like Sky.

"Bring it to life Ace."

"Your wish is my command Valtor." I responded. The clay models were engulfed in powerful light magic of paladdins Valtor smirks. "Look at all this potential and you were wasting it on healing fairies."

Valtor transports us to the center of the lair of the island. He saw and I saw the chaos on Andros.

"King Teredor still struggling to hold onto his realm." Valtor responds. "Andros was always soon to be doomed dead."

"Timmy!" Tecna gasps.

"Oh no!" Riven spoke. "Man, I keep underestimating that kid no wonder Valtor used him like that."

"This is Ace's magic girls," Lillian spoke. "It hurts. It's dark very dark. We need to transform now so we're ready."

"Mystics Enchantix!" Lillian calls out. "Lillian Fairy of the Clouds!"
🎵Enchantix Ohhhhhh
Magical powder, maximum power
Enchantix powers upon me
Powerful magical wonderful dimension
Incredible vision
Incredible power, Winx: Mystics

"Winx! Enchantix!" The Winx put their hands together.

"Frieda Fairy of the Rainbows!" Frieda announces herself.
"Aisha Fairy of the Waves," Aisha summons her transformation too.
"Tecna Fairy of Technology." Tecna follows up.
"Musa Fairy of Music," adds Musa.
"Flora Fairy of Nature," states Flora aloud.
"Bloom Fairy of the Dragonflame!" Bloom picks up.
"Stella Fairy of the Shining Sun!" Stella finished the transformation sequence now.

"Lillian Frieda with me, we're going to the center of the island." Bloom spoke.

"I'm helping Tecna says Aisha. "This looks like a tricky wind storm thing. And I know plenty about storms."

"We'll look for the other boys Aisha," Stella said. "Right Musa? And Flora?"

"Oh, the sting," Bloom responds. "It's so terrible."

"Welcome Bloom to your demise Winx!"

"Ace this isn't you!" Lillian shouts. "You're not the boy I danced with months ago."

"Yeah, you're right I see all the fairies for who they really are winged unworthy unhonorable pests. Aren't you worried Bloom about how bad you will you will be treated on Eraklyon when Erendor learns it's your fault his precious little Daddy's boy is dead. Andros will fall and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Valtor always intended to go out with a big bang this is it and Andros will flood only the mermaids will be able to survive this stormy water."
"Sky let go of me!" Bloom screamed.

"Bloom that's not Sky," Frieda says.

"Right you're, Valtor's not that insane, Frieda." Ace laughs.

"Ace stop it!" Lillian shouts. "I lost one boyfriend I won't lose the truest one yet."

"Lillian help him I believe in you save him." Bloom calls out. Frieda hits the clay with a rainbow blast but it didn't stop the figure from approaching Bloom.

"Eugh I see Valtor's essence but I cannot send my spell till Ace is out of his control," Bloom groans. She knew the consequences of doing so would hurt Lillian Ace and Flora and Frieda in the process. And that's the risk she was not willing to take.

"Lillian I believe in you too," Frieda states.

"Valtor he's really gotten me riled up," said Bloom. "I cannot stop this clay version magically yet."

"You have to Ace I think he just went back to Valtor." Lillian states. "I'm ready to embrace the pain. I can control myself. Don't worry about me Bloom. Your friendship is enough to give me strength and keep mr from falling. You can do it Bloom. Stay focused it's our only chance girls."

Bloom didn't want to do this. But the choice was clear they had to risk it otherwise Andros and everyone else was lost. Ace's words rang through her head.

"What will Erendor say when he finds out his son died because of you Bloom. It's your fault Prince Sky died here today at the Battle of Andros. What a shame! Not the bravest nor the strongest! You don't deserve the power of the Dragonflame you're not worthy of its power."

"Ace I know Valtor's saying that through you to make me weak because he thinks I won't hesitate to make the right choice. I'm so sorry about this! Dragonflame find Valtor full dragon energies!"

The clay mold stopped and Bloom collected the essence.

"I did it I found his essence I hope that the others are okay," Bloom replies. "I had no clear Ace was really this strong and dangerous."

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