Let Them Risk It All

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Back at Cloudtower Castle Valtor summoned the Trix

"Where were the three of you? The Winx got into the castle and plan on releasing Faragonda they've taken the weather fairy and my cousin with them. I really hope I have a volunteer that will take care of those meddling fairies for me. Stormy come forward."

"Hey, why her?" asked Icy.

"Because I say so," Valtor says glaring at her rudely. "I have a new power for you. Crazed spark!"

Stormy illuminates in gray magic.

"Well how does it feel?" He asked.

"Electrifying Valtor." Stormy answers smirking.

"Now please get rid of the Winx one of you."

"I'm gonna go flex my new powers," Stormy informs everyone.

"I have got something else to do too," Icy states runs after Stormy

"Huh? Really? Why are my sisters fighting?" questions Darcy.

"Raging winds and lightning streaking across the sky give me a passage through which to take flight."

"A dimensional passage congratulations," Icy teases. "Funny that spell used to give you quite the amount of trouble."

"Icy, why are you here? Jealous because I got more powers than you?"

"No, the question is more why you? What makes you think you deserve these extra powers?!" asked Icy.

"Perhaps, he likes, trusts me more than you to do the perfect job and get rid of the Winx."

"That weather fairy is there amongst them you couldn't handle her in het Charmix alone you couldn't couldn't even handle her with your new powers."

"Well I'm gonna risk it all and trying to get rid of the fairies even her but I don't need you at my side big sighs if all you are gonna do is criticize me." Stormy walks into the passage. Icy dashes right after her Valtor had left Cloudtower Castle office Darcy snuck in.

"Magic Eye, show me Stormy," Darcy groans. "Now show me Icy. Eugh I should have known they would pull something like this like. If they think they can one up me in front of Valtor they're so dead wrong.
🎵I lost myself today
All work no time to play
I'm holding on but what I know
Endless discoveries
Blindfolded I could see
I'm catching on by letting go
Now I'm rising up
No coming down
So hang on for the ride
Look how high we can fly!
Look how high we can fly!
We can see everything
From up here in the sky
We have got the perfect view
Together me and you. 🎵

The song fills in the silent background behind the girls as they each mount the ladybugs and take off towards them City of Trees they waved hello and goodbye to the citizens of Lynphea Realm with smiles bright.

🎵Words come so easily
Hard to believe it's me
Oh, with every breath that feeling does indeed grow so fast
Take time to stop
Unplug, turn off the clock, rewind.
The less you try the more it flows through better🎵

"This is the City of Trees where the sage lives at the very top of it all." Mielle spoke.

"I hope there's a super high speed elevator in one of the tree trunks."

"Tecna the only place they use an typical technology is the royal palace under supervision of the royal family," Frieda responds.

"She's right anywhere else Technology is not allowed to be mixed with nature."

"Then I guess we have to use our wings." Aisha suggests

"We cannot Lillian's wings aren't strong enough to push through the rough winds coming down from the mountains. We have to all go on foot all of us."

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