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"Miss mani! Miss mani! Can you read   Junie B Jones!" Said Azaiya, a little girl who she had been reading too for years.

"No read the cat in the hat!" Yelled Anthony, a bad ass little boy who joined a year ago.

"No Ant! We read that last timeee!" She yelled at him.

"Shut up AZAIYA!" He yelled.

"Y'all calm down, we'll read 3 books today since y'all seem excited today." Armani said. "Pick one more book."


"GREEN EGGS AND HAM!" Yelled 6 kids.

"Okay calm down, calm down, how many of y'all like the cat and the hat?" Armani asked.

About 6 kids raised their hand.

There were a total of twenty five kids that came every week when they knew Armani would be the one to read to them. The ages Armani read to ranged from 3 to 7 years old and Armani had been the volunteer reader for almost five years.

"Okay so since that is the least liked book, we'll read it first so that it can be out of the way okay?" Armani asked.

"Okay!" The kids all agreed and she began to read. She read to them for almost 2 hours because Azaiya,Anthony, and another little boy named Ryan had insisted she read all 3 of the books again.

"Okay guys, I'll see you all when I'm here again." She said waving at them as they left.

"Bye Miss Mani!" Said Azaiya.

"Bye love." Armani said as she put the books up and the bean bags back where they were found.

"Thanks baby for the help."  Said Cynthia, a senior that had been working at the little library since Armani was just 8 years young.

"No problem, have a blessed day." Armani smiled, waving goodbye before she left.

The second she had arrived home, she laid down on her bed face down with the intention of being as dramatic as possible. She was beyond tired and had done a lot of volunteering with her dad--from going to homeless shelters to food drives, then toys drives to the library, and from there everywhere else. She didn't mind volunteering at the library because she loved being there with the kids, but the other volunteering she did had taken a lot of energy from her at times.

She turned to her blank canvas she had bought four nights ago and contemplated with herself on what she wanted to paint. Getting up, she grabbed her phone and tapped the app Apple Music--She scrolled through her long playlist and tapped one of her favorite songs once she found it--While We're Young by Jhene Aiko. She grabbed her canvas and placed it on the easel then grabbed her cup full of water and placed it on the stool beside her paint.  She rolled her sleeves up before she took a deep breath and began to do her thing. She painted her art as she listened to her chill playlist and smoked her newly rolled blunt.

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