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Lucy felt nervousness start to seep in as she walked to her next post. It was ridiculous, she had already watched over inmates in an open space where she could easily be attacked and yet she felt fear towards a man in a cell with no possibility of even touching her. There was something about this situation that made her a little uneasy but she suppressed the feeling and continued down the hall. Lucy had to check her map for the first time today as she couldn't recall this particular room from her induction, most of the isolated cells were lined up and down each side of a hallway so a couple of officers could cover multiple inmates. However this one seemed to be hidden away from everything, the cell faced a blank brick wall and the rest of the short hallway only had closets. Lucy noticed Kurt leaning against the wall facing the cell, his head was slightly tilted towards the ceiling and his eyes were drooping close.

"Big day, huh?" She smirked and he flinched standing up straight but relaxed when he saw it was just her.

"Yea, how was breakfast?" Lucy huffed looking down at her shoes.

"There's no stains, so that's a positive." He chuckled before pushing himself off the wall and walking towards her.

"Well you're in for a real treat. Costello here is big chatterbox, especially in the presence of a pretty girl." Kurt lowers his voice and Lucy looks at him confused. He speaks as if him and this man are best friends.

"I heard that, Kurtis." Comes a deep muffled voice, that spits out his words like venom. Lucy felt the need to scold this Costello guy for his disrespectful tone towards Kurt but she stops herself when she hears Kurt laugh.

"Good luck," He tells Lucy, "catch ya later Costello." He raises his voice before walking away getting only a grunt in response from inside the cell. Lucy shakes her head at the unusual interaction she just saw, whilst moving to where Kurt was previously standing.

The cell was very minimalistic with the single bed pushed into one corner and was inline with the thick transparent doorway. A metal toilet sat in the opposite corner and a single shelf was above  it with toilet paper on top. Glancing back towards the bed Lucy took in the hulking man donning a bright orange jumpsuit, he was facing the brick wall and his feet hung off the edge of the bed. It was hard to see his face, all she could make out was his unruly black hair and strong jaw with heavy stubble. There was a extended silence and Lucy found herself scanning every inch on the tiny area, her eyes just wandering around trying to find something interesting to watch as she passed the time. At least in gen pop there was usually something going on to be intrigued with but a non-moving inmate laying in bed was definitely not  interesting. Looking at her feet she found a tiny ant crawling across the ground, she watched it quickly zoning out.

. . .

Ace turned his head to the side looking over at the new guard that Kurt had continuously talked about. Looking at her, he could now understand why she had made such an impression on him. She was tall and slender but he could still make out her curves that were concealed by her boxy uniform. Her beautiful blue eyes were framed by long lashes and her defined yet soft features added to her beauty. Ace sat up on the edge of the bed to get a better look at the stunner outside his cell. The woman didn't notice his movement seeming to have drifted into daydream, squinting his eyes he read 'L. Amorosi'.

"Amorosi. With an Italian name like that, the L must stand for Lucia no?" He asked, smirking up at the now startled woman.

Lucy nervously looks at the piercing green eyes that were scanning her figure slowly, it made her skin begin to heat up. She could now see just how big the man actually was, his shoulders broad and his long legs filled the orange material nicely. His posture was relaxed, even from  inside the cell he somehow radiated dominance and confidence. Costello was rugged, charming and dangerously handsome. His statement forced Lucy to hold back the smile that was threatening to appear. It was quite funny he thought that was her name, as her mother had told her countless times that her father wanted to call her Lucia and basically begged her mum to name her that but she refused deeming it too 'woggy'.

Inmate #1374-6052Where stories live. Discover now