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"Hey Mauve! Mum is upstairs in her bedroom and there's pasta on the stove, you're more then welcome to have some." Lucy greeted the nurse that had been helping take of her mother for the past couple of days. Mauve was in her mid fourties, had a nurturing soul that she used with all her clients and Lucy and Janet couldn't help but fall in love with her instantly.

"Thank you, how has Mrs Amorosi been feeling today?"

"She's okay, still fatigued but she's had no more stomach aches." Mauve nodded knowing that although Lucy appeared to be fine and her voice was strong, she was breaking on the inside.

"Has she been eating?"

"Very little." Lucy's response was short, afraid if she said anymore her voice would crack and her eyes would well up with tears. Noticing her change, Mauve stepped forward giving the young woman a small hug. Pulling away Lucy let out a small huff, trying to control her emotions before thanking Mauve.

"I better get going." The young woman lifted up her bag and swung it over her shoulder, she had already said goodbye to her mother moments ago.

"Alright darl, I'll see you when you get back."


After putting her bag in the locker, Lucy decided to make herself a cup of tea. She hoped the hot beverage would give her a little boost of energy that she so desperately needed. As she was stirring the mixture in her reusable mug Kurt entered the room.

"Hey." Lucy displayed a smile but Kurt noticed how her eyes didn't have the same joyful glint. The officer greeted her before moving to collect his possessions from his locker, once he had everything he came back over to Lucy.

"How are you?" Lucy had disclosed everything about her mother's situation in a tear filled conversation at the bar. Kurt could see the new information was taking a toll on his friend, losing a parent was one thing but watching them be beaten down by an illness is a whole other type of heartbreak.

"I'm okay."

"How's my favourite Amorosi?" Kurt joked and succeeded in drawing a smile from the young woman.

"She's a bit better today. You should come visit one day, I'm sure she'd love to see you." Kurt agreed to stop by one afternoon to hangout with mother and daughter, it was least he could do to help out his friend. Looking at the clock on the wall, Lucy grabbed her tea and made her way out the door that Kurt held open for her.

"Okay I'll see you later, oh and you can bring Sarah around if you'd like. We could use all the company we can get." Although she had been caught up in her own headspace with everything that had been going on with Ace and her Mum, Lucy was still able to catch sight of Kurt and Sarah's blossoming relationship. There had been a several days where they would arrive and leave work together, have lunch in the staff room and talk at the front desk.

Kurt chuckled and shook his head slightly, the tiniest trace of pink on his check. "I'll see if she can make it." He stated before wishing her a good night. With the warm mug in her grip, Lucy headed toward cell block B.


"What are you doing?" Ace looked up from his notepad, finding C.O. Clark giving him a harsh look.

"Writing you a love letter." Ace smirked whilst continuing to draw on the lined paper. The paper and pencil being a small gift from the warden. Clark shook his head deciding it would be useless to argue with the inmate, thankfully his shift was almost over.

"I'm almost done I can't wait for you to see this," Ace chuckled whilst putting the finishing touches on his artwork. "and done!" Ripping the page out, the brute got up from his bed and placed his masterpiece in the drawer before pushing it to the other side. Ace sat back down waiting for Clarky to take the piece of paper.

Inmate #1374-6052Where stories live. Discover now