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"Have fun, sweetie." Lucy's mother shouted as she left for another day of work. Luckily she didn't have to start until 9 am today so she had time to prepare breakfast and eat with her mum.

On her drive over to the prison Lucy tapped on the steering wheel to the beat of the radio. The sun was shining and a nice breeze broke the heat Lucy loved this weather, warm and bright.

She greeted Sarah at the door and moved through to the staff room with a skip in her step after being patted down. Lucy decided to quickly make a coffee before going to her first post. Today she had mostly the same rotation, with a few exceptions because she started later. However, the post at Aces cells was her last stop of the day again. For some reason the man wouldn't leave her thoughts, the memory of his beautiful eyes and hulking figure invaded her mind throughout the night.

Kurt entered the break room as Lucy was stirring her coffee and humming cheerily.

"Good morning." She smiled, Kurt returned the gesture and started to make his own hot beverage.

"You seem very chipper this morning." Lucy had learned to appreciate the little things in life like a well paying job that would help her support herself and her mother, even if it was at a bleak prison.

"Just another beautiful day in paradise." Kurt admired her optimism, it was rare to see genuine happiness within these walls. Lucy was tiny shimmer of sunshine in this hell hole or 'paradise' as she described it. Kurt wished her a good day and made his way down the hall planning to visit his old friend.


Ace pushed his tray aside, years of eating the same slop and he still hadn't gotten use to the taste. He drank the rest of his water washing the strange after taste away, looking over he noticed officer Clark watching his every move. Coming from a military background the old man really knew how to be a hard a$$, but being a smart a$$ was Ace's specialty.

"Clarky, if you keep looking at me like that I might just fall in love with you." He smirked, placing his tray and cup into the drawer and pushing it outside the cell.

"You really need to learn how to shut your mouth, Costello." His face was drawn into a scowl as he snatched the plastic dishes and put them on the cart beside him.

"And if I don't will you come here and punish me." Ace stretched out on his bed smugly watching the steam roll off Clark. "Oh lighten up Clarky." Just as the man opened his mouth to rip Costello a new one, he was interrupted by another voice.

"Don't mind him Clark," Ace rolled his eyes at the sound of Kurt's voice. "the inmate has been in isolation for so long I think he is losing brain cells with each day that passes." Kurt's workmate snickered at his comment, patted him on the shoulder and pushed the cart around the corner saluting them goodbye.

"You're so funny, officer." Ace mocked him.

"I know," Reaching in his back pocket Kurt pulled out the deck of cards. "you up for a game?" Ace nodded his head needing something else to occupy his mind, other than the memory of a certain officers retreating figure. Kurt had a quick look around the corner, when he found the hallway empty he proceeded to open the cell. The pair found a spot on the cold hard cement and Kurt began to deal out the cards.


After a few rounds, Kurt's shift was almost over so they quickly collected all the cards before they were caught. Just as Kurt was about to leave the cell Ace stopped him.

"Wait," Turning back Kurt looked at him questioningly. "leave the cards."

"I can't, if you get caught with them it could come back to me and I would get in so much trouble."

Inmate #1374-6052Where stories live. Discover now