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"Did you listen to word I just said, woman?" Lucy asked her mother frustratedly. After confessing her story of entering into a high-risk detainees cell, all her mother had to say was ' I told you he likes you'. "I went into a Ace's cell, and stayed. Do you understand how dangerous that is?"

"But you did it." Lucy frowned at her mother's words, "Lucy from what I'm hearing, at first you were only trying to help the poor man, but after you realized he was okay, you still stayed. So, obviously you yourself don't believe being in Aces cell was dangerous." Janet watched as her daughter lounged back in her seat, digesting her words.

"I guess you're right."

"Tell me more about him." The older woman adjusted in her seat bringing her legs up on the chair and resting her chin on her hand. As of now Lucy had kept her up to date with this Ace situation, however she never revealed any feeling, only fact. Janet wanted to get her daughters' real opinion on the man and not what she thought should be her opinion because he was a prisoner.

"He's quiet funny," Lucy felt her lips involuntary rise up, "and he's a great listener, I can go on and on about myself and he will just listen to my every word." The young officer had thought she was a boring Ace a few times with her constant chatter, but he was always attentive and eager to know more. "He's very charming."

"Charming, hmm?" Lucy cheeks flushed when she realized the words she had used to describe Ace. Turning to face her mother, she was faced with a grin.

"Ugh, Mum. He's a freaking inmate at a correctional facility."

"But before all that he is just a man. A man who is a good listener, funny, charming and from the way you described him very handsome." Lucy let out a sigh, Janet Amorosi, the women who could always see the good in someone.

"I don't even know what he did to get in there." The soft whisper came from Lucy's lips.

"Yet, you trusted him enough to be in the same room with him. I know you baby, you're not naive or one to be tricked into doing something you didn't want to." Feeling as though she had given her daughter more than enough to think about, Janet got up from her chair and placed a kiss on Lucy's head before heading to bed.

Lucy sat in the living room dwelling on her mother's analogy. Her father had shown her to be thick-skinned and not to be too trusting of others. However Ace had somehow gained her trust, a prisoner who she knew very little about. She wanted to look past everything and just see Ace as another man but there was the logical side in her mind, reminding her that he was indeed a criminal and her guard needed to be up. The battle between how she felt and what she thought was rational was both conflicting and confusing.

Lucy's mind raced with thoughts of Ace, as she made way up the stairs. She peeked into her mum's bedroom, making sure she was alright before retreating back to her own room. As she stared up at the ceiling, she wondered if Ace was actually worthy of her trust. Logically, no; he was a detainee and potential maniac. But she couldn't deny the feeling in her gut, that told her Ace was not dangerous man. Also if he was faking his kind demeanor, in order to lure her into his cell and harm her, why didn't he when he had the opportunity. Eventually, sleep consumed the young woman but the thoughts of the charming inmate followed into her dreams.

"Are you okay?" Raising her eyes, Lucy found Ace with a concerned look.

"Yeah, is it my turn?" Ace nodded and Lucy flipped her card over. The inmate was surprised when she first arrived at his cell and immediately entered without being begged. A feeling of excitement rushed through his veins, knowing that she wanted to be in here with him. 

Inmate #1374-6052Where stories live. Discover now