Valuable Quotations (VQs) 1

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"If you fail, you gain something valuable and its called EXPERIENCE."

"Love is like a rose. No matter how beautiful it is when you hold onto it, you'll get hurt and bleed."

"Don't do something, you know you'll regret in the end."

"Relationships should be the least priority."

"Don't invest on something that''s uncertain."

"Learn to sort out priorities and beware of limitations."

"Love is an electrifying art running through  our heart." - Ryde Leibniz

"Stop waiting and do something or do something while waiting." - Ryde Leibniz

"Go for a man whose into business." - Alemap

"Humans are dangerous."

"Don't just let anyone step in your life, build walls and don't let them ruin your plans because people just come and go. No one tends to stay for a life time."

"Why would I take others as an inspiration if I could make my own father as one?"

"If you want to stand-out, study well."

"Failure must be a stepping stone."

"Take the challenge as an opportunity to learn."

"Don't go in a field without a shield."

"Nobody is a failure, it's a choice."

"I can be more, so I can give more." - Joy Marie Fabregas

"Stand straight, walk with pride, speak with confidence."

"If you don't try, you're a loser."

"A step backward doesn't mean that you give up, you're just preparing to go for more."

"The real moment of failure is when you give up."

"Search for that burning fire inside of you and take one step at a time fro your goal."

"Being nervous means that you're doing what you're supposed to do."

"Keep fighting, conquer your fears and be great."

"Prayer is the oxygen of the soul."

"If they can't accept it then better own it."

"I really hate it when someone's ruining my time."

"It's so disgusting seeing un-ettiquette person."

"Know your place."

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