♥♥Hidan-Fanfic♥♥ (chapter 1)

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I Have been in the Akatsuki for about a month now and Pein thought that I had remarkable powers that could be some use to them. I was in the base walking down the hallway when I heard some loud noises comeing from in the living room, "Shut the fuck up Kakuzu". Hidan was always cussing and raiseing hell about nothing. "Well wether you like it or not we have a mission to do" KaKuzu said to Hidan. "Yeah yeah lets just get this Fuckin Mission over with then". I walked down into the living room to see them both turn around and look at me. "Hey hey if it isnt the Fuckin new girl". I looked over to Hidan and Kakuzu and just ignored them while I walked into the kitchen to fix me a sandwitch. "What the Fuck is her problem"? Kakuzu shrugged his shoulders and told Hidan to get a move on. *Sigh* I just don't understand why he thinks i'm still the new girl but I guess i've only been here a month so I cant be that upset by it. I thought to myself. Just then Deidara walked into the kitchen to fetch himself a drink. "Hey there Asuna-un". "Oh hey Deidara hows it goin"? "My day is going ok un". "Oh hey a little later you want to come out to see my new art i've been working on un"? "Sure that seems like it could be alot of fun". Deidara was always wanting to show his art work to me I guess because no one else really likes his artwork besides Tobi and me. "Okay un see you in a little while". "I still have to work on the details a little more" he said as he gave me a little smile. He waved and then turned and walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs to his room. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I guess I must have fallen asleep because it was late and I was awakened by Hidan poking me in the forehead. "Hey you Get the fuck up"! "What the hell do you want Hidan"? "I want to watch some fuckin t.v. that's what". :Then fuckin watch it im not in your damn way". "The fuck your not"! Hidan seems to be in a mood so I got up and threw the remote and hit him in right in the head with it. "There you fuckin happy now"? "Owww that Fuckin hurt". "Good now you can get the hell over it". I turned and walked up to my room as I was walking down the hallway I thought to myself what and asshole he was when I got to my room I went and took a shower and went to bed.

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