Chapter 8

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Xavier POV

I feel so guilty about what happened to my sweet little sister. The f**ker who decided to put his hands on Emma will be dealing with me. Logan took Emma inside and the rest of us are outside with Ryder. I'm a little conflicted about him. Right now I'm extremely grateful that he saved Emma, but I still think he is too dangerous, so I want him to stay away.

Logan walks out the front door and over to where we are all standing around Ryder. "Who did it?" I ask him coldly. "His name is David Frank. I had him tied up and taken to my warehouse. I was going to kill him, but I thought y'all would want a piece of the action, so he is all yours," Ryder tells us. Good.

Ryder sends us the warehouse address and Maddox and Jax go to get David to bring him to our headquarters. Lucas will be staying here with Emma. The rest of us go to the headquarters.

When we arrive, we go straight to the 'questioning' room to wait for the twins and our unlucky victim. 10 minutes later Maddox and Jax walk in dragging a bald guy that is probably in his 40's. He recognizes us and starts shaking with fear. "I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me! I don't even know why you care!" He begs.

"You hit our baby sister and now you will get what you deserve!" Luke tells him punching him across the face. We all take turns punching and stabbing him. I pull out my gun and point it at his head. "Any last words scumbag?" I ask glaring at him. "Tell that whore of a sis—" I cut him off shooting him between the eyes. Nobody talks about my sister like that.

We wash the blood of our hands and drive home. The body will be taken care of by some other member. When we get to the house, everybody goes to their separate rooms to get ready for bed. Before I get in bed, I decide to check on Emma.

What I see breaks my heart and makes me want to kill the f**ker 100 more times. Emma is curled up on her side shaking and crying in her sleep. I close her door softly and walk over to get into the bed. "Shh Emma. It's alright. It's okay. I'm right here. No one is gonna hurt you." I whisper to her pulling her against me.

She wakes up and snuggles into my chest. "Thank you Xavy,"she mumbles. I kiss her forehead and soon she goes back to sleep. At some point I drift off too.

Emma POV

In the morning, I am woken up by my alarm. I try to reach and turn it off, but my arms are locked in place by Xavier's heavy arms which are wrapped around me. "Hey wake up!" I yell in his face causing him to fall off the edge of the bed. I turn off my alarm and look at his scowling face. "You are gonna pay for that little girl," he says standing up.

Oh fricken chicken nuggets! He lunges for me and starts attacking me with tickles. One by one my brothers run into the room and join in. I laugh so hard I'm crying and my stomach hurts. "Stop! Please!" I force out through the laughs. Once they have had enough of torturing me they walk out of my room back to their own rooms. Xavier stays behind to ruffle my hair and say, "Karma's a b*tch," before leaving to go get ready for school.

I look at the clock and see that it is 7:00. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and my hair. I put my hair in a messy bun and walk over to my closet.

Emma's Outfit^^Source: Pinterest

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Emma's Outfit^^
Source: Pinterest

I look at my phone, that was rightfully given back to me this morning, and see that it is 7:15. I walk downstairs to the kitchen where all of my brothers are. As soon as I walk in they all look up at me and then a stern expression comes on their faces.

"Go change," Luke demands. "What? No I like this outfit," I say. "That shirt is way to shorts and leggings are way to tight for you to wear," Logan explains. "It doesn't cover your butt at all," Maddox chimes in. "Boys will be looking at you all day," Jax adds. "It wasn't a request Emma," Xavier says looking at me sternly.

I just ignore them and walk over to the fridge. Before I can open the fridge, I am over a shoulder which happens to belong to Alex. I hit his back trying to make him put me down, but it doesn't even phase him as he walks back up the stairs.

"Put me down! I'll walk by myself," I tell him at the top of the stairs. He puts me down and I try to make a run for it, but Dean is waiting for me and scoops me up and continues to my room. We go into my closet and they pull out a hoodie. The good thing about 8 brothers means lots of hoodies for me. They grab the biggest one they could find, which happens to be Xavier's, and slip it over my head. It is what and has Nike on the front of it.

Once it's on I storm downstairs, grab my backpack, and go to the garage. My brothers follow me out and go to their separate cars. Xavier's car is the closest, so I decide to go with him. Xavier has multiple cars as do my other brothers, but this one happens to be a truck that is very high off the ground. I get ready to jump for it, but Xavier just lifts me up and puts me in the seat. "Shorty," He says laughing while he walks around to his side.

We arrive at school and park in an empty row that is soon filled by my brothers. There is a crowd again just like yesterday, so when Xavier helps me down I hide behind his body. The others walk up and I tell them bye and go to find Katie. I find her, Oliver, and Jacob by the lockers.

"Hey guys," I say as I walk up to them. "Hey," they all say back. "Put your number in my phone and I'll add you to our group chat," Katie says handing me her phone. I type my number in and we stand there a little longer talking.

When the warning bell rings, Katie and I walk to our first period class. Ryder doesn't show up. While Katie and I talked, I learned that she plays soccer and tryouts are tomorrow after school. I have always loved playing soccer with my brothers so I told her I would tryout with her.

The rest of the morning passes quickly and soon it's time for lunch. I haven't seen Ryder all morning. I go to the bathroom before I head to the cafeteria, so when I walk out of the bathroom the hallway is empty. I hurry down the hallway hoping my brothers don't freak out because I'm not there yet. Suddenly a boy comes around a corner and blocks my way.

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