8. The Parents

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Finnegan's POV

I let Bran sleep all night this time. I have been tiring him out because I couldn't stop nor resist getting all over him. I may have lost track of time but I noticed how he would pass out sometimes after we had sex.

He mentioned about work and I honestly could care less about it. Perhaps, I jus wanted to be alone with him, undisturbed until i could sort a plan on how to face his parents regarding our relationship.

Bran told me that his mother and father were opposed to him getting close to me and they were specific about not sleeping with me.

Something was definitely fishy.

I couldn't tell him that my parents said the same thing to me about him. He would feel bad about it and I didn't want to ruin our days by bringing it up. Not yet.

Not wanting to be far from him as I began getting back to my neglected work, I sat next to him as I worked on my laptop, catching up on what my assistant had sent me.

I had wiped his body down so he was comfortable all night. And with him next to me, hours passed by quickly and I did my work quite efficiently.

Morning came and my little rebel sas fast asleep still. I had shifted around where I sat so I wouldn't get sore muscles and I was glad he didn't wake up. He looked so beautiful even in his slumber. I knew I would never get enough of seeing him first thing in the morning.

Leaning down, I gave him a soft kiss on his cheek and uttered my "I love you" like I have been doing after I wake up.

A beep from my room phone made me hesitantly take my eyes off Bran. A message appeared on the screen. "Mr. and Mrs. Kree are here, Sir."

Cursing under my breath, I got off the bed slowly so as to not wake my baby up. I walked to mt closet and grabbed a robe, tied the quickly around my waist ad left the bedroom.

My staff knows about my parents, the latter don't know this place. But how did they know I'm here?

My steps were frantic as I headed downstairs. There in the middle of my living room, stood two middle aged people, angry.

My father was the first to look up to where I stood, in the middle of the staircase. His eyes were blazing as he walked towards me. My mother followed with equal disappointment in her eyes.

"I just took a week. What's the bi deal," I said referring to being awol in my work. That could be the reason there here.

"Oh, that's not the only reason where here, buddy," said my father with mockery in his voice, chuckling with sarcasm.

"We received a call from Brandy's parents," my mom said as I followed them upstairs. My ears instantly heated up, feeling caught red handed. His parents know?

"What are you guys talking about?" I choked.

"Damn it, Finnegan!" My father hissed as he walked passed me, heading to the master's bedroom.

"He's in here, isn't he?" My mother turned to me and I could only grit my teeth. "I thought we warned you about this?!"

I pushed between them and blocked them from getting to the room Bran and I shared. "Can we talk about this? Don't scare him like this. He's asleep."


"Dad, please?" I begged, cutting my father off. He looked surprised by what I said. "Mom?" I turned to look at my mother ad her expression softened as well.

They both looked ar each and after my father gave my mother a small nod, he said to me, "We'll be downstairs. Bring him."

"Okay. Thanks."

My father blinked with furrowed brows as he looked back at me one more time before leaving. Taking a deep breath, I entered the room.

"Bran?" I called for him when I didn't find him in our bed. I ran to the bathroom; he wasn't there either. Closet? I wemt there and my heart sank when i found Bran sitting on the floor, hugging on one of my jacketss.

"Baby?" I walked towards him and sat down. My heart constricted seeing his lips quiver, eyes casted down as he hugged my jacket to his body.

"They know?" He asked softly as he looked up to me.

"C'mere." I motioned him to sit on my lap. "Let go of the jacket. I'm right here. Hug me instead."

Bran unwillingly dropped the piece of clothing on the carpeted floor. I cocooned him in my arms immediately and he nuzzled his face on the side my neck as I hugged him tight.

How I wish we could stay like forever. With no interruptions, whatsoever.

"Mom and Dad know..." I started off.

"They don't like me," Bran said, voice a little shaky. "I heard them."

"Oh, baby." I lifted his chin and to try and make him better, I gave him kisses. He likes kisses. "I would love to make them like you but if they don't, it's their loss. I'm not letting you go."

"Really?" He asked, eyes fluttering as he caressed my lips.

I nodded. "I love you... and I won't let you leave."

"You l-love me?"

I chuckled, placing small kisses on his lips. "I have said it countless times, love. Were you not listening?"

"I was probably passing out when you said it," he said, his cheeks and ears instantly painted red.

"Well, I love you," I repeated and his face only glowed brighter red. I cradled his head amd crashed our lips together. We broke, panting.

"Mom and Dad want me to bring you downstairs," I said after wards. "Don't worry. I will convince them to let me be with you. I'm too old to be ordered by them now, don't you think?"

That made him smile. I love it when he does.

"Shall we?" I asked.

"Okay." Bran smiled as nodded at me.

It's time to meet the parents.


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