10. Engaged Lovers

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"Wow! You're getting married?" Elaine shrieked at Bran after hearing the news from the latter.

A few weeks had passed after the Kree's and the James' planned the wedding of their sons. Earlier today, Bran ran into his newest friend, the girl his mother set him up for a date with. Elaine. The two of them went inside a cafe across Bran's workplace to catch up.

"You better invite me," the girl said. She learned that Finn and Bran were really not in relationship to start with but only recently, it happened. She was intrigued by their love story.

"I will. The invites should be sent anytime now." Bran smiled, excited over the fact that he soon will be Finnegan's other half.

"Oh, crap."

"What?" Bran asked when his friend suddenly turned pale.

"Your fiance is here!" She half whispered before covering her face with the menu she was holding.

Bran tilted his head and found his lover walking towards their table. His cheeks immediately turned seeing Finnegan clad in his business suit.

"Hi, baby." Finn leaned down and kissed his lover's lips before sliding himself next to him.

"Hello, P'Finn," Bran said softly, then pursing his lips when Finn round his arms around Bran possesively. "Um... This is my friend, Elaine."

Finn stared at the girl across their seat. Elaine was fidgeting on her seat, wishing she was somewhere else. Bran's fiance looked scary, she thought.

Elaine smile awkwardly as she put the menu down. "Hi."

Finn just gave her a small nod. He turned to Bran and and casually brushed his lips on the younger man's ear. "You're having coffee?"

"Mm," Bran hummed. "I ran into her so I invited her for coffee."

"Isn't she the girl your mother set date for you with?" Finn said calmly but deep inside he was boiling with jealousy. He wanted to surprise Bran at the latter's work but the security guard pointed at the cafe across the building instead, saying Bran went in there with a girl.

"Ah, hahaha!" Elaine laughed nervously. "It was just a friendly date. Besides, we were not a match."

Finn cocked a brow, and smirked. "Obviously."

"Phi..." Bran's gentle voice made Finn's heart flutter.

"I should go," Elaine stood up. "Don't forget my invitation, Brandy. Nice to meet you, Mr. Kree," she aid, smiling awkwardly at Finnegan.

"You, too."

"Bye, Brandy."

"Bye," Bran said, smiling at the girl.

Finn gently reoriented Bran's chin to make him look his way. "Eyes on me, baby."

Bran nodded sheepishly. He liked the possessive display of his lover. He had only seen it a few times. He didn't know Finn is always jealous. He didn't get to see even half of it.


"He's changed overnight," Draco Finley sighed as he sank on the couch next to his wife.

"Oh, honey. He kept Brandy for over a week. That's a lot of overnights, if you ask me," Gianna chuckled.

"Did we do the right thing?" Finn's father asked.

Smiling softly, Finn's mother leaned against her husband. "We did. I never saw him so attentive and jealous over anyone."

"You're right," Finley smiled, too. "I'm glad Finn is becoming more of a proper man. Come to think of it, when he was with Rachel, he wasn't committed at all."

"He was a disgusting playboy," Gianna shivered.

"A heartless boss only his assistant can stand," Finley added.

"His house staff don't look that scared of him though," Finn's mother commented.

"Of course. It's a house he bought for Brandy. He hired the house staff he knew he would trust and keep once he's married to him. He knows Brandy wouldn't like it if he's a scary boss to their staff."

"Damn," Gianna clicked her tongue. She still couldn't believe how much work Finn has put into he life he was building for Brandon James. "How confident was he?"

Finn's father shook his head, amazed. "Apparently, over confident he would win Brandy."

Meanwhile, at the James' household, the same converstion was happening that evening.

"She actually made me scared of letting Finn take Bran from us," Zia said to her husband. All those years back, Gianna had been trying to convince her and Alex to do the best they could to make Bran stay away from Finn.

"Hm," Alex hummed thinking ahout the whole situation. He snorted at how amusing his son's actions were.

"What's so funny?" Zia slapped the man of a few words next to her.

Looking back at his wife, he smiled softly and pulled her to his side. The TV was on in the living room. The two of them are still waiting for their son to come home. Before the two get married, Bran was to stay with his parents until then. Much to ye young love birds' protest. It was four to two. Finn and Bran lost.

"I think when we forbade our son to get close to Finnegan, it only made him do the opposite of what we asked him," said Alex.

Zia chuckled. "He is so me."

"It's all good, so we have nothing to worry about."

"You're right." His wife nodded. "But if Finn hurts my baby, I'm gonna bury him alive."

"Yeon-in," Alex said lovingly. "We don't do that anymore."


"This is stupid," Bran pouted after Finn's car stopped in front of his parents' house. Finn was sending him home. "We're getting married next week and I'm almost twenty two! Why are we still doing this?"

Finn has unbuckled his belt, he leaned over to his lover and pulled him in his arms. "I don't like it either," he whispered, lips grazing against Bran's. "If its up to me, I would kidnap you and take you somewhere no one can know."

"You're making it up after our wedding, right?" Bran said teasingly, fingers fumbling on Finn's pants' zipper.

A low growl escaped Finn's lips as Bran's fingers palmed his growing erection. "I will, baby. I'll love you thoroughly."

Finn closed the very small gap between them and captured Bran's lips for a searing kiss. Panting, they broke apart, foreheads pressed together.

"I'll call you right when I get home," Finn said as he kneaded on Bran's backside. "A video call. You're up for it?"

Blushing hard, Bran nodded. They do go on dates, book a hotel room but it's not enough for the two crazy in love lovers. They long to sleep in each other's arms. Video calls help, too. Bran usually sleeps after, with Finn's loving and satisfied face he sees last.

"I love you, baby." Finn leaned forward once more to give Bran a soft kiss on the lips.

"I love you too, P'Finn."


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