Extra: Naughty Call

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Here's the video call extra I promised. 🤭
I shouldn't feel guilty over not giving warnings but the innocent pineapples should really stay away.
Please? 🤗

"Evening, mom." Bran approached his mother with a hug after he arrived home. Finn had just dropped him off at his parents' house. "Dad," he said, greeting his father.

"How was work?" Alex asked.

"Work's... fine." Bran smiled, nodding.

"And the dinner date?" Zia queried.

Smiling sheepishly, Bran said, "Date was perfect, mom. Can I go now? I need a shower."

"Sure," both his parents said at the same time, sharing a meaningful stare as their son left and headed upstairs.

"Don't say it," Alex warned his wife, holding his own grin.

"Dinner date and sex!" Zia exclaimed inaudibly.

Alex mentally facepalmed himself and turned back on the TV.


"You took a shower?" Finnegan asked through the video call.

Bran was lying on his side, elbow propped on the mattress, while facing his laptop placed next to him. He was wearing a bathrobe, fresh out of his shower that he took after getting home.

Bran nodded, biting his bottom lip as he stared at the handsome man on the screen. Finnegan was still wearing his business suit from today. He was seated on his bed with his laptop in front of him at a table.

"You don't mind I didn't take a shower?" Finn asked, wriggling his brows. His eyes were on Bran's exposed chest.

Softly chuckling, Bran shook his head. "I would still lick you if I was there."

"Fuck," Finn grunted. He licked his lips as he bored holes on screen, right hand palming his growing erection. It was hard not to salivate on the beauty in front of him. Harder even because he couldn't touch him.

"You like?" Bran teased as he parted his robe slowly, showing more of his chest.

"Yes, baby. More..." Finn ordered when he was shortened of the sight of Bran's nipple.

Bran pursed his lips and opened his robe more, blushing hard as he looked at his lover's reaction.

Finnegan was lusting hard through the video. His eyes were laced with desire, Bran could feel it even through his gaze.


"Play with it, baby. Show me."

Biting on his lower lip, Bran started to play with his left nipple using his fingers. He moaned at the tingly sensation he felt. Finn's lustful grunts fueled his boldness so he lay back down and played both his nubs much to his lover's praises.

"Good boy. Now take the robe off, baby."

Bran wasn't wearing anything else under his white robe. He gulped hard as he slid it off his body.

"Beautiful," Finn said through the call. "Now, throw it away and show me what's mine."

Bran obliged. His belly was fluttering inside, heart palpitating as he faced his lover, naked.

"You're gorgeous, baby. Don't be shy," Finn said with lustful and loving eyes.

"I wanna see you, too..." Bran's voice came out as a whisper.

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