All Dolled up

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Hey guys,
So I'm back on here. So this chapter it's my take on Season 5 episode 5 with RagDoll. Anyway here we go.

My name is Barry Allen and I'm the fastest man alive.
To the outside world I'm an ordinary forensic scientist. But secretly with my friends at STAR Labs  I find meta humans like me. But when  my daughter came back from the future she changed the present making our world more dangerous than ever and I'm the only one fast enough to save it. I am The Flash.

Previously on The Flash
" What is that?" Cisco says coming into the room.
" It's a game my dad and I used to play." Cait said.
" It's from my dad. He's alive." Cait said super happy.
" Mom, you put a power dampening chip inside me to take away my speed." Nora said.
" Is that why you've been so cold to me? Why you don't want to spend any time with me?" Iris asked Nora.
" Mom thinks she had good reason to suppress my powers in the future." Nora said looking at Barry.
" I support her decisions."Barry said agreeing with Iris.

The Present
" Let's just call it Barry. She's not coming." Iris  said sad.
" Iris, she might be helping with Jenna so Cecile and Joe can sleep in." I tried to tell Iris.
" Everyday for the past two weeks?" Iris asked me.
" Yeah! They look really tired." I told Iris.
Just then alarms go off and Iris says
" Tripped alarms at Central City Art Gallery. Someone stole a monet."
" At 10:00 in the morning?  That's bold." Barry said looking weirdly.

" CCPD's on route, suspect heading west on Ruger." Iris said.
" Wait a minute, he's not carrying anything?" Barry said.
" Nora! Nora!" Iris called.
" Where's he headed? I can stop someone on a motor cycle." Nora said.
" No, Nora let Barry help you." Iris said as Nora switched off her comms.

Later at the Lab
" Nora you know we train, right? For these kind of situations. Not when your mood is off, not when you're mad and why we have someone someone in our ear to help us in the field." Iris said.
" I know that." Nora said looking at Iris.
" Then whyd you turn me off?" Iris asked.
" Because I didn't want to listen to you. It's the condescending I -know- better- than- you- crap." Nora said.
" Oh yeah!" Iris said getting furious.
" I just want to it to be me and you to sit behind a desk and you to say " no" everytime and I've been hearing it my entire life and I'm sick of it." Nora said.
" Your entire life?" Iris asked.
" Yes mom. Since I can remember, and you never change." Nora said firmly.
" Nora." Iris said.
" Nora, I think you should try seeing your mom for the person she is now and not the person she becomes in the future." I told Nora.

Later in the lounge

" What is this?" Cisco asks Sherloque.
" Well that's what you need your apply to my debt. Fruitful hours trying to uncover the identity of your meta- human killer Cicada. " Sherloque says.
" Well I apply a complex formula, complex for you, involving the terminal velocity and the weight of the STAR Labs satellite and the velocity of Barry and Nora travelling at  great speeds to destroy said satellite allowing me to conclude that..
Our Cicada was hit by satellite shrapnel in this general area." Sherloque said.
" And this took how long?" Caitlin asked.
" Oof, Dr. Snow. Eighteen hours because I'm only semi good at algebra." Sherloque said.
" You do realise this is calculus, right? " Cisco told Sherloque.
" Guys look calculus, algebra,  either way we have no idea where the shrapnel fell." Ralph said.
" Mais non. You have to scan the entire city for where the shrapnel fell." Sherloque said.
" So we need to find Sally the satellite to find Sally the satellite and we need Thomas Snow to find Thomas Snow." Ralph said.
" You've lost Cisco at Thomas Snow." Sherloque said.
" I've hit a dead end with regard to my father. I've looked through all his notes and papers. There's nothing we can use. A satellite to run DNA recognition patterns but I thought losing him at ten was hard, but the idea that he's out there and I might not be able to get to him." Cait says.
" Maybe I can help you." Cisco says.
" I thought your powers weren't working." Cait  asks Cisco.
" This I can do." Cisco says.
He touches the paper with the pattern and vibes.
" What did you see?" Sherloque asks.
" I saw your dad in an office sketching something in a notebook."Cisco said.
"  We didn't have a chalkboard in our home office." Cait said.
" No, tell what you saw. Everything. Leave nothing out." Sherloque said.
" He had an ID. It was like a yellow state building." Cisco says.
"A university building. Hudson university." Sherloque says.
" Professor Stein. But I didn't think they were friends. Add that to the list of growing secrets." Cait said.
" Let's go drive." Cisco says putting a hand on Cait's shoulder.
" Thank you." She replies.

Barry and Iris OSWhere stories live. Discover now