Cause and Effect

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Hey everyone
So I finished the Nora chapter. Anyways here we go

Previously on the Flash
" If the answers that we need to stop Savitar and save you,are in the future then that's where I need to go." Barry says.
" You're from before she dies, aren't you?" Future 2024 Barry asks.
" You stopped Savitar in the speed force. Just tell me how you did it." Barry 2017 asks.
" I had help. Her name's Tracy Brown. She made the Speed Force trap for me." Barry 2024 says.
" You're telling me my ideas about the Speed Force -I'm right?" Tracy asks.
" In the future. We need you to build this trap now." Barry says.
Glass shatters
" Caitlin's after Tracy. That means she's working with Savitar." Cisco says.
" So you talked to Cecile?" Barry asks.
"Told her I love her. Told her everything. Told her that you're the Flash." Joe says.
" Like I told you from the beginning, I'm the future Flash." Savitar says as he gets out of the armor.

" It's like looking in a mirror. Well not quite." Savitar says.
" You're not so scary without your armor." Barry says.
" What can I say? I outgrew red." Savitar says.
" I know what you are. You're a time remnant." Barry says.
" A temporal duplicate when you run back in time and meet yourself. You brought a remnant to life last year to defeat Zoom. Your duplicate died, saving the multiverse and you continued your happy little life. And it would've stayed that way, but then you decided to play God. You created Flashpoint and changed everything." Savitar says.
" I went to the future. My future self told me he created time remnants to stop you. But you slaughtered them all." Barry says.
" All but one. Me. I lived. But a funny thing happened when I did. You, Joe,Wally, Cisco. You all shunned me because I wasn't the true Barry Allen. I was an aberration. A disposable hero. Future you failed to mention that, didn't he?" Savitar asks.
" How did you become Savitar?"Barry asks.
" I was broken and alone. I wanted the pain to end. And that's when I realised the truth, Barry. God feels no pain. All I had to do was become one. And I only need two more things: for Iris to die so that you are driven so far into the dark that I can be born." Savitar says.
" And the other?" Barry asks.
" It may sound ironic given who I'm talking to, but that one I'll keep to myself." Savitar says.
"What happens if I kill myself? If I kill myself, you'll never be created." Barry says.
" Cause and effect's a tricky thing. Didn't work so well for Eddie,did it? Shot himself in the chest. Thawne's still kicking around. See that's the thing about time travel, Barry. The more you do it, the less the rules apply to you." Savitar says.
" But us having this conversation right now we're changing the future." Barry says.
" Are we? My ascendency is nearing. When I have control of all of time, it will be you who is abandoned and forgotten." Savitar says.
Barry speeds and tries fighting with Savitar
" You're gonna die right here!" Barry says.
" I forgot to tell you my suit's cooler than yours." Savitar says.

STAR labs
" It's impossible." Iris says.
" I don't understand. How can Savitar be you?" Joe asks.
" He's not me. Not really." Barry says.
" He's all the worst parts of you. It's like in Star Trek when the transporter splits Kirk into good Kirk and bad Kirk. Please tell me you have Star Trek on your earth." Cisco asks HR.
" Voyager." HR says.
" I hate spinoffs." Cisco says.
" That explains why Caitlin was willing to follow him. He has a face that she trusts." Julian says.
" Half of one anyway." Barry says leaning back in his chair.
" So when the Legends found that message in the Waverider from old you saying " don't trust Barry Allen" it was talking about Savitar Barry Allen. Cisco chuckles
Oh ho ho. This is coming together in the best way possible." Cisco says.
" You said you made Savitar? How?" Joe asks.
" Peep this. Four years from now, future Flash creates a time remnant to fight Savitar. But Savitar let's that remnant live so that later it can become Savitar. So once Savitar is imprisoned in the Speed Force, this remnant starts to go crazy. And he goes back in time to the past and becomes Savitar." Cisco says.
" Creating the lie that he was the first speedster, spreading the myth and recruiting acolytes throughout the ages." Julian says.
" That doesn't make sense. Which came first, Savitar or the time remnant?" Joe asks.
" It's It's a closed loop. No beginning, no end. It's just one endless cycle." Cisco says.
" Classic chicken and the egg scenario, I think, eh?"HR asks.
" A time remnant, it's, um, like like a duplicate of you, right? Your feelings your memories. So why would it want to hurt us? Why would it want to kill Iris?" Wally asks.
" HR, how's Tracy coming with the Speed Force trap?" Barry asks as he leaves.
" Good, yeah, good. Slow." HR says.
" Get her to speed up, all right?" Barry says.
" I'll do that. Can do." HR says.
" If Savitar is a version of Barry from the remembers everything that Barry does, how are we gonna come up with a plan to stop him?" Wally asks.

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