Luck Be a Lady

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Hey guys, so I finished my Nora story. Back to my one shot book.
Anyways this time I'm doing Flash season 4 episode 3. Luck be a Lady.
Here we go

Previously on the Flash
" The Flash is back!" Cisco says.
" How did you get your powers?" Barry asks Kilgore.
" Oh, you're not gonna believe it. And do you two want to the best part. I wasn't the only one." Kilgore says.
" Iris West,  will you marry me?" Barry asks.
" Yes." Iris says.
" This isn't goodbye." Jesse says.
No. More like see you later." Wally says.
" He's right where you wanted him. What do  we do now?" Marlize asks.
" We find the others." Devoe says.

" Begin recording. Observations on subject number two. Name Rebecca Sharpe.  Or as she prefers the plebian sobriquet Becky." Devoe says.
" It's Becky with a Y, not, um, an I-E,r an E-E, just Y.  And you heard me say no milk, right? Cause I am severely lactose intolerant." Becky says.
"Subject was born in Sarasota, Florida, the first indignity in   life full of unfortunate circumstances." Devoe says.
" Mmm. ( Becky gasps) that is definitely not soy. Oof. " Becky says.
" Subject lives with her boyfriend." Devoe says.
" Almost there, almost there, almost there. Oh! Kenny. We are gonna deal with this  ( Becky groans) in five to ten minutes."  Becky says as she sees her boyfriend kissing someone else.
" Correction. Subject previously lived with her boyfriend. Subject's occupation." Devoe says.
"Should I stay?" The man asks.
" Blackjack dealer.".Subject's temperament."  Devoe says.
"I I don't know, man. Why don't you hit?" Becky asks.
" Defeatist." Devoe says.
" Okay,  I'll hit." The man says.
" Great. Perfect. And got 21. There it is. Here.. aah. Oh ahh.  Here you go, sir. Congratulations. " Becky says.
" Thank you, sweetheart." The man says.
"Sure. There you go. Oh that's that's nice." Becky says.
" Thank you. Looks like I found my good luck charm." The man says.

Suddenly Becky tips over his drink
" Hey, my appletini." The man says.
"Oh, no, no, no. Can I can I maybe just can I get a reference, you think? No?" Becky asks.
" Subject believes no matter what she does, the universe will conspire to punish her." Devoe says.
" Ow! Okay!" Becky says.
" Or as she writes on her MySpace page, " I am jinxed." Devoe says.
" Great. There goes another car. It's fine. I'm fine." Becky says.
" Subject's low self esteem  suggests that will be easily manipulated." Devoe says.
" Wait, wait , wait, Ow! Oh, jeez, come on. Wait, wait, wait. Ow! Oh come  on. Hey, oh, yes! Thank you, universe! Finally some good luck!" Becky says.
Becky gets on the bus and  Barry comes out of the speed force and all those  metas get powers.

Present day 2017
Barry, Cisco and Caitlin are at a paintball field
" Barry! Where are you?" Cisco asks.
" I  don't know! I lost  Caitlin. There's too many of them, man." Barry shouts.
" No, you can take them. Just listen to me. You just need to do one thing. ( In slow motion) Run Barry run!" Cisco says.
" Oh come on! ( laser firing) They got  me."  Barry says.
" Oh, you have failed this city." Cisco says as he runs.
" For real Chad? In the back?" Cisco asks.
" Oh, wait did you guys already die?"Caitlin asks.
"  Well Chad He just told us. Come on. Come on." Barry says.
" I don't know what's wrong with kids  these days.  Churlish." Cisco says.
Later outside on a park bench
" You better watch yourself, Chad. Come at me at  the paintball field next time. I'll kick your little ( Cisco laughs) Hey Mrs. McConnell, How you doing?Chad's a treasure. He really is." Cisco says.

Barry and Iris OSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें