Elongated Journey into the night

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Hey everyone so I just love this episode from season 4. It's the most hilarious and crazy episode with Cisco and Breacher, Barry and Ralph. Anyways this episode I'm going to do now.

My name is Barry Allen and I'm the fastest man alive. To the outside world I'm an ordinary forensic scientist but with my friends at STAR Labs I fight crime and find others like me. But I became lost in time. It took everything in my friends power to bring me back but in doing so our world was opemed up to new threats. And I'm the only one fast enough to stop them. I'm The Flash.

Previously on The Flash
"Each of these heat scans indicates a human body." Caitlin says.
" 12 markers, 12 metas." Cisco says.
" They identified the targets sooner than we planned." Marlize says.
" Perhaps." Devoe says.
" There's nothing within miles of here capable of creating dark matter." Cisco says.
" There was three weeks ago. This is where I came out of the Speed Force." Barry says.
" And a wave of dark matter washed out with you." Harry said.
" You think the guy behind the Samurai robot." Joe says.
" Samuroid." Cisco says.
" Wanted us to create a bus load of metas?" Joe asks.
" I think it's all connected." Harry says.
" Hello gorgeous. You ready to get your schoompy on?"Cisco asks Gypsy.
" Joe, I'm pregnant." Cecile says.

" Look, I've been thinking." Cisco says.
" Less thinking, more kissing." Gypsy says.
" Okay, but hold on a minute. This thing we got going on. This is really good." Cisco says.
" It's okay." Gypsy says.
" What?" Cisco asks.
" No, I'm just kidding." Gypsy says.
" It's better than okay." Cisco says.
" But because of that, I think we're at the place in our relationship where the guy says to his girl those three magic words." Cisco says.
" Wheat what three magic words?" Gypsy asks.
" What's your name?" Cisco asks her.
"Um oh, Well that's technically four words." Gypsy says.
" Mmm, well actually technically it's three words cause contractions are one word and that's how grammar works. That's not the point. What's your name?" Cisco asks.
" Gypsy. My name is Gypsy." Gypsy said.
" For real? So you were born and somebody was just like I'm going to name you Gypsy?" Cisco asks.
" Gypsy is what I like to be called. It is mysterious. It's moody." Gypsy said.
"Hmm. Moody's right." Cisco says.
" All right. I'm going to go to the bathroom. When I get back you'd better stop asking my name and be wearing less clothes." Gypsy says.
" I don't need to know your name. Mm, this girl about to rock your world." Cisco sings.
Just then someone breaches in and Cisco is thrown back.
" You're a dead man." Breacher says.
Then Cisco is thrown across the room and says,
" Those are collectibles. Aah. Who are you?" Cisco asks.
" Daddy." Gypsy says coming out of the bathroom.
" Pleased to meet you, sir. Is he gonna put me down?" Cisco asks Gypsy.

At the precinct
" You know, some of you may not realise but before I was mayor I was a cop in this very precinct. And it's because of these men and women every family in Central City can sleep comfortably at night." Mayor Bellows says.
" What's happening?" Barry asks as he comes up.
" Mayor Bellows is on his reelection campaign." Joe says.
" Detective Joe West. Keep up the good work. What do you say Joe?"Mayor Bellows asks.
The media pans to Joe and Joe says,
" I'll do that."
" And that's why he's not a politician." Mayor Bellows says.
" I hate that." Joe says.
" Yeah. Thought to run against him? Can you picture yourself shaking hands and kissing babies?" Barry asks.
" What? Ain't nobody said anything about kissing babies? You said you had a lead about this bus meta situation? Joe asks.
" Yeah, I do. Come here." Barry says as they walk up the stairs to Barry's lab.

Barry and Iris OSWhere stories live. Discover now