King Shark

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Hey everyone
So I've been on my other account for sometime I know but I'll post a Varun Alia one shot and comeback to this.
Here we go
My name is Barry Allen and I'm the fastest man alive. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly with the help of my friends at STAR Labs, I fight crime and find other meta humans.
I hunted down the man who killed my mother, but in doing so, I opened up our world to new threats and I'm the only one fast enough to stop them. I am the Flash.

Previously on the Flash
" Zoom wants you dead." King Shark says.
" Do you think he can do everything really fast?" Dig asks.
" How you doing Dig?" Barry asks.
" You're fast."  Dig says.
" Welcome to my Earth 2." Harry says.
" Dad! No, no."  Iris 2 screams.
" Caitlin. That is your name, isn't it?"  Barry asks.
" I hate the name Caitlin. My name is Killer Frost." Killer Frost says.
" Ronnie and Caitlin doppelgangers are evil?"  Cisco asks.
" If you're coming with us, we have to go." Barry says to Jesse and Harry.

" Cisco!" Barry says.
" Get ready to close the breach for good. Zoom's coming." Cisco says.
Zoom kills Jay in front of Caitlin
" No, he's not dead. He's not." Caitlin says.
" Caitlin." Barry says.
" This isn't happening. This isn't happening again." Caitlin says.
" Caitlin." Iris says.
" Hey I got you. Come on."   Cisco says as he takes her away.
" Open it. " Barry says.
" Allen." Harry says.
" I need to go back." Barry says.
" I can't do that." Harry says.
" Open it up!" Barry says.
" The breaches are closed. All the breaches are closed." Harry says.
" Why can't we just open one of them?" Joe asks.
" The quark matter we used to seal the breaches, it prevents them from being opened, ever again. There's no going bacm to our world." Harry says.
" Wait, we're trapped here for good?" Jesse asks.
" Yes." Harry says.
" No, we can't let Zoom get away with this. He just murdered Jay right in front of us. " Barry says.
" There's got to be something we can do." Joe says.
" There's not. It's over." Harry says.
" No." Barry says.

Barry goes to the cortex
" How's she doing?" Barry asks Cisco.
"  Not good. We tried to get her to go home but she refused to leave, so you know, I just sat with her until she fell asleep." Cisco says.
" First Ronnie, now Jay. " Barry says.
" Yeah. I'm afraid what this double dose of grief is gonna do to her. I mean she's pretty shell-shocked." Cisco says.
" She'll be fine. Snow's strong. She'll get past this. But in the meantime, I would not say anything to her about writing counterpart from my Earth. The goes for Joe and Iris too." Harry says.
" Why?" Barry asks.
" Because you don't wanna influence their reality in the ways that should not be influenced."  Harry says.
" Like in the same way as Barry time-travels?" Cisco asks.
" Exactly, but also, what's the point?" Those people are not your people.  Their lives are not your lives. Never were, never will be. Bury it. Move on." Harry says.
" Yeah. That I can do." Cisco says.
" Allen?" Harry asks.
Barry nods.

Barry voice over
So that's what we did. We didn't talk about Earth 2. We kept what happened there between the three of us and got on with our lives knowing there was  nothing we could do  now to stop Zoom.
Instead, we tried to just adjust to our new circumstances and cope with our losses.
Jay's death took a toll on all of us..left scars on all of ussome more than others.
And so to try and keep my mind off thoughts of the other surreal world I  had experienced that wasn't my own, I kept running, waiting for some other meta human threat to rear it's ugly head and distract me from the frustration I was feeling, and as fate would have it, I did not have to wait long.
End of Barry voice over

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