Chapter 10: I'M A WHAT!?!?

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Y/N'S P.O.V.

"Ok the winner is..." I paused as I looked at the boys in front of me "Zach!" I shouted. Jack looked down in defeat while Zach jumped around splashing everyone before picking me up into a big hug. I heard an angry growl and looked to see Corbyn staring at Zach with pure anger. He let go of me out of fear, all the boys seemed to follow Corbyn's orders, even though he didn't say anything. 'Is that a wolf thing?' I thought when I walked over to Corbyn to make him feel better, making him loosen up at my touch.

'Yes it is!' Another voice said in my head, it sounded like a girl. I thought it was one of the girls fucking with me when I realized... they aren't supernatural! I froze and tensed up, I then thought that it was one of the boys trying to mess with me.

I sighed, "Haha very funny guys. Who was it," I said sarcastically. They all stared at me in confusion, they looked at each other with questioning looks.

"The one who spoke in my head? Mind linked me." I told them with a confused look on my face, but they all had a confused face.

I scratched my head and got a little freaked out before I heard it again. 'It's not them dummy,' it said in a duh tone.

I weakly asked in my head, 'wh- who are y- y- you?'

'I am your hybrid! I'm here to help you bring out you powers.' This hybrid thing said.

'Then why am I just now hearing about this?' I said in a matter of fact tone.

It sighed, 'You are special, very powerful. The most powerful as a fact, I'm here to help protect you. At first I didn't think you were right, but after everything you have endured you are ready.' The wolf/vampire said.

I was so confused, I looked around and everyone was looking at me with worry. "Baby what's wrong!?" Corbyn said engulfing me in a huge hug.

I looked at them and smiled, "I'm fine" I reassured. "I just got into my head. Let's have some fun" I smiled splashing everyone.

-4:30 P.M-

We all came inside after hanging out all day. It was time I figured this whole thing out, so after I showered I locked myself in my room and tried to figure out what this thing is.

I took a deep breath, 'Hello?' I thought uncertain I wanted to do this.

'Hello again,' a cheerful female voice responded.

I froze, I actually did not think this was real or that it would respond. 'Ok I need answers,' I sat on my bed waiting, fiddling with my fingers nervously.

'Ok so I am your hybrid, Valerie. I come to you when you need me the most. You are part wolf and vampire. You have special powers, you have elements. Not just one element thought ALL elements. You also have normal wolf and vampire powers, you are the most powerful thing in this universe.' Valerie paused letting it sink in for me.

I was shocked, I'm a hybrid? The most powerful thing in the UNIVERSE!! I have elemental powers too!? 'Wait so I'm a hybrid, a wolf and a vampire. I'm the most powerful thing in the universe. Why am I just now figuring this out?'

'You had a disadvantage, you grew up not knowing about your abilities or anyone else's. You were never around and wolves or vampires besides for Jake.' Valerie growled when she said his name

'Jake?' I questioned, 'what does he have to do with any of this?'

'He is a vampire, he never showed it around you though.' She said, I could tell she thought it was nothing. 'But there are many people after you, not just Jake, Christina, and your parents. They want your power for themselves, mainly the vampires. Every creature wants to be as powerful as wolves and you are there ticket. They will use the people you love to hurt you, even if they have to hurt you.'

"Don't Deserve You" A Corbyn Besson Fanfic (Completed, Part 2 out now)Where stories live. Discover now