Chapter 19: Heartbreak

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Y/N P.O.V.

I slowly woke, cuddling deeper into Corbyn. All the memories of last night flooded in and, I smiled to myself. We were both still naked but didn't care. I grabbed my phone to see what time it was, 9:55.

'Oh shit' I scrambled out of bed and shook Corbyn awake.

"Corbyn, Corbyn." I paused he wasn't moving.

I shouted, "CORBYN!!"

He shot up, "What!? What happened!" He said panicked looking at me.

"It's 9:55, the boys will be here any minute!"

Corbyn scrambled out of bed and ran upstairs, I assume to get us clothes. I picked up the condom on the ground and threw it away. I grabbed some of the blankets and placed them in the laundry basket.

Corbyn came downstairs with some pajamas. We quickly put them on. When we finished we heard the door knob. We quickly turned the t.v. on and ran to sit down. Making it seem like nothing had happened even though last night was probably my best night ever.

We saw everyone enter the house. Including the girls. Except for Kay. Zach stormed inside and ran upstairs, slamming his bedroom door behind him causing me to flinch.

"What's his problem?" I asked concerned. He is usually so happy and excited. But he was really mad from what I could make out in his energy.

"Kay..." Veronica paused trying to find the right words. "She..." again still trying to find words.

"Kay cheated on Zach." Tate finished forVeronica. Tate looked down and shook her head.

"What?" Corbyn asked, clearly not expecting the new news.

"Yeah, she was having sex with some guy in her hotel room. We gave Zach an extra room key to surprise her, but there he found them." Gabbie shook her head in anger. She was Zach's best friend and really cared about him.

"There's no way! Kay is such a sweet girl." I said, I don't know why I was trying to defend her. Maybe because I was still shocked by the situation.

"It gets worse" Tate said, "she then yelled at Zach saying he was a terrible person and boyfriend, and that he was just worthless. After she yelled at him SHE broke up with him!"

Corbyn and I stared shocked.

Without thinking I ran upstairs to get Zach, he needed someone right now.

I softly knocked on the door, "Zach, it's Y/N. Can I come in?" I asked, I expected I'm to say no, and was ready to knock the door down so we could talk. But he said, "Come in."

I walked in and saw him wiping tears away. He was facing the other direction on his bed.

I slowly approached him, closing the door. Giving him a soft side. He embraced me in a hug and just lost control. I felt so bad for him, he loved Kay and treated her like a queen.

I patted his head. I felt it was best to let him speak first. Right now he needs comfort, not questions.

Finally, he sat up and said, "You know, I knew we were never going to last." He wiped a tear stain.

I was shocked, how could he know this? Why would he say this?

After a long pause I finally spoke up, "Why? How did you know you two wouldn't last?" I said calmly.

"She just haven't been paying much attention to me recently. She has all these boys contacts." He paused, "But I loved her so much I kept fighting for her love, showering her with compliments and just being the best boyfriend I could be, but I guess it wasn't enough."

I rubbed his back, "It's not you Zach, it's her. I know it seems like the world is ending, but you'll find that perfect girl for you, I promise!" I told him.

He looked at me and smiled, "Can you make some breakfast?" He asked with a cheesy smile.

"I'll make your favorite," I laughed as we walked downstairs.

"Don't Deserve You" A Corbyn Besson Fanfic (Completed, Part 2 out now)Where stories live. Discover now