Chapter 11: Training (Part 1)

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Y/N'S P.O.V.

I was having a wonderful dream where I was flying when I heard a scream that woke me. What I saw scared me half to death, everyone was floating in the air. I looked around to everyone trying to grasp onto anything they could. A sudden light blinded me, once I could see again I saw my hands glowing shocked and scared I screamed.

"Y/N," someone screamed. I saw Corbyn gripping onto the couch for support, "you need to put us down. Just imagine your on being on the ground, it's easy." I did what he said and slowly I felt myself being lowered to the ground. My feet made contact with the floor and I could no longer see the light coming from my hands.

Corbyn ran and wrapped me in a hug which I gladly returned. "You did it babe!! That was great," I smiled at his comment.

Corbyn then pulled us out of the hug, "Ok this means that we have to start Y/N's training so 20 minutes to get ready." He said everyone nodded and went to get ready, I was going to go with them, but Corbyn stopped me by grabbing my wrist. "We need to talk," he said sternly making me die inside from how hot that was.

"Ok," I said blankly trying not to show that he turned me on a little.

We sat on the couch and he looked really nervous. I felt sympathetic for him so I grabbed his hand, giving him that smile saying that whatever it is he can say.

He sighed from relief, "Ok so is it fine if I um," he paused rubbing the back of his neck, "mark you?" I knew what marking was, I didn't know why he was so nervous. We're mates right? It has to happen at some point.

I smiled, "of course you can," I said happily. His head perked up like a puppy, once he realized I meant right now he pressed his lips against mine. I instantly kissed him back, he slowly released his soft lips from mine and made his way down to my jawline and neck. I moaned quietly as he found my sweet spot, his K9's came out piercing my skin. I stiffend, not 5 seconds later I felt pleaser. He released his teeth and licked the new mark on my neck before slowly kissing his way back to my lips. We stopped kissing to look into each other's eyes, I slowly got up to get changed. Doing so I was smiling like crazy, I probably looked like a crackhead but I didn't care. I knew that he would have to do this every full moon or I would go through intense pain on full moons. Valerie was dancing inside my head like a puppy, still excited from our kiss just like I was.

I walked into the room I now shared with Corbyn. I pulled out yoga pants and a training bra.


I walked downstairs to the boys in shorts and a t-shirt

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I walked downstairs to the boys in shorts and a t-shirt. The girls weren't going to help with the training so they were making breakfast for everyone. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and slowly ate it trying not to upset my stomach. When I finished I put my bowl in the sink to do later and walked outside to find the boys lined up in a row watching me. The order was Jack, Zach (vampires.)Then, Daniel, Jonah, and finally Corbyn (werewolves.) I walked over and stood in front of them, not sure if I should speak or if they were going to speak first.

Finally Corbyn spoke, "Alright we are going to start with Jack and work our way up to me." I nodded my head in agreement, Jack speed towards me at lighting speed. I stood there mouth open shocked at what had just happened.

"Haha," Jack laughed at my reaction. "Since your a vampire you will have this speed, but time millions." He paused, "Well we don't know how much, since your so powerful." He shrugged.

I was ready if I could defend myself, maybe they won't get hurt. "Alright, so I want you to imagine your a cheetah, the rest should come naturally." Jack said drawing a line in the yard, speeding into the woods then came back. "Go straight until you see the red line." He got into a racing potion and I followed him. I had no idea how to be a cheetah, he said it would come naturally, so here goes nothing.

Jonah started counting down "3..." I breathed in trying to unlock this power. "2..." I kneeled down more, breathing out. "1..." my eyes shot open and I felt time stop and my adrenaline rush through my body. I speed into the woods leaving Jack on my tail, I was running what felt like faster than the speed of light. I ran past the red line, but I didn't want to stop running, so I didn't. I ran and ran until I reached the freakin ocean! I knew the boys would be here soon, so I just chilled there for 30 minutes. I heard a rustle in the bushes and out came three tired werewolves and two tired vampires trail there way to me from the bushes.

I giggled, they looked terrible. They only glanced at me with anger making me have to bite my lip only to fail and burst out laughing. "Haha, yo- ur faces!!" I laughed hard they all just gave me angry glances starting to get as much dirt off of them as possible.

-After Training-

When we all got back to the house we Finished training, I discovered I have these powers.

-Vampire speed (x10)-
-Vampire Mind Reading-
-Extreme Vampire strength and agility (x10)-
-Werewolf speed (x15)-
-Strength (Level- Undetermined)-
-Sight (x5)-

I'm lying in bed right now trying to sleep, Corbyn snoring by my side. Tomorrow we are going to figure out the actual powers that no normal wolf or vampire would have. The boys didn't think I was going to be this powerful, but I could feel it. Something is coming to, coming quick. I have to be ready to fight, I have to protect them. I need to unlock this hidden power because I know after this training I won't know everything I need too. It's just to... powerful and I can't bring it out! It's like a puzzle, I'm missing the final piece, and I will find it, it will take time. With that I drifted off to sleep, hearing the sound of the person I love most help me sleep.

"Don't Deserve You" A Corbyn Besson Fanfic (Completed, Part 2 out now)Where stories live. Discover now