Chapter 16: Forgiveness (short chapter)

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Y/N P.O.V.

"Wait so they kidnapped you?"


"Your a wolf and being hunted by people who have hurt you in the past, and people who want your powers?"


"Your a hybrid?"

"I explained that, yes," I said to everyone in the room. I had just told them my story and they were still asking me all these questions.

My mom sighed, "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me." She paused, "I would love to stay with you more but we need to get home. We were just visiting and need to get back home to take these little ones home for school." She gestured to the sleeping girl on her lap, my sister.

"It's ok, I understand." I picked up Ryan while Jonah got the other two.

We walked outside and put them in the rental car, I gave my parents a hug and a kiss on the check. They got in the car and drove off.

I walked back in the house and plopped onto the couch.

"What a day, huh?" I looked up and saw Corbyn coming to sitting next to me on the couch.

"I'm still mad at you, you know that right?" I said.

He frowned, "What can I do to make it up to you?"

I looked at him, staring to infer I wanted him to make a guess.

He thought for a moment then he said, "I'm gonna take you, m'lady" he paused, "on a date" he had this cute cheesy smile.

I giggled, "Alright, what time Mr. Besson" I teased him, but slightly chuckled at my own comment.

"8:30," Corbyn paused "and wear something casual and a little fancy" his smile was so wide it was starting to freak me out. He ran out of the house in a hurry, grabbing the car keys and almost forgetting his shoes. He was really excited, I wonder what he has in mind.

"Don't Deserve You" A Corbyn Besson Fanfic (Completed, Part 2 out now)Where stories live. Discover now