Chapter 4

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Wins and losses

The wind roared with amusement as Green and I called out our Pokémon. I knew this would be an easy first battle since both of our Pokémon had no moves of their respective type.

Professor Oak was sighing with disbelief, but he did agree to watch over our match.

Once I win this battle, I'll be able to afford a few potions.

"For Arceus' sake, you guys have never had Pokémon battles before!" Professor Oak barked.

"Don't worry! I've seen televised battles of the championship matches!" I assure the Professor.

"That isn't the same thing..." Professor Oak grumbled.

"Haru, Tackle!" I shout.

Haru sprinted straight at Charmander, he lunged with everything he had and made the orange lizard fall.

Green smirked. "Not bad. Ember!"

My smile dropped as the orange lizard opened its mouth, a faint orange glow arose in its mouth.

"Haru! Runaway!" I manically shouted.

Haru sprinted towards me with as much speed as he had, but his hind legs got caught within Charmander's small range of flames.

"You've already trained it that much! What's wrong with you?!" I asked, trying to make the burn go away.

Green frowned. "What are you talking about? I'm being prepared for my future as champion."

Haru's only level five... Green must've leveled his Charmander up to at least level ten.

I clenched my fists tightly and took a deep breath. The only thing we can do here... is trying our best.

"Haru! Tackle!" I shouted.

Haru squealed and darted at Charmander, he delivered another powerful gut attack to the lizard.

"Ember!" Green retorted.

The same faint orange glow started to rise in Charmander's throat, and this time it was a direct hit in Haru's face.

His scream was agonizing for my ears.

"Stop! I forfeit! You win! Leave Haru alone!" I shouted as I hugged Haru tightly.

Green called Charmander back. "Already? I thought you were going to kick my butt?"

I clenched my teeth as Green walked over to me, his hand was held out.

"I don't have any money..." I muttered.

Green sighed. "Why'd you agree to this battle then? Loser pays up."

I was on the verge of tears, I gripped Haru tightly.

"I'll pay for you, Alyssa. You had no business cheating like that, Green." Professor Oak growled.

Green scoffed. "Cheating? I trained! While she went ahead and did whatever the hell she did! I am working towards a goal, Gramps!"

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